• Real-Time Conductivity Monitoring Estimates Chloride Levels In Minnesota Watershed By Using The Aqua TROLL 200 Monitoring deicing chemical levels can help researchers, city governments, and regulatory agencies understand runoff impacts on surface water, groundwater, and surrounding environments.
  • AQUATek 100 Waters-Only Autosampler

    The AQUATek 100 is a purge and trap autosampler that automates the sample preparation steps for the analysis of liquid samples utilizing a fixed volume sample loop filled using a pressurization gas. Two independent volume programmable internal standards are then added to the sample and the entire aliquot is transferred to the Purge and Trap for compound concentration and subsequent separation and detection using a GC/GC-MS quantification system.

  • Separating VOCs From The Sample Matrix

    Purge and Trap Background 
    When using a concentrator system, it is not essential to understand how it works. However, a good grasp of the fundamentals helps you prevent problems and assists you when you are faced with tasks such as method development and troubleshooting. This section is not intended to be a full theoretical evaluation of purge and trap gas chromatography. The main purpose is to help you develop an understanding of how and why compounds are concentrated.

  • Application Note: Troubleshooting A pH Electrode

    Many factors affect performance of a pH electrode. When performance degrades, it is always a challenge for the analyst to identify the cause. Common troubleshooting procedures, which include evaluation of slope, electrode drift, time response, and accuracy, take considerable time. By Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Determination Of Pesticide Residues In Honey, By An Automated QuEChERS Solution

    The QuEChERS (Quick-Easy-Cheap-Effective-Rugged-Safe) sample extraction method was developed for the determination of pesticide residues in agricultural commodities.


In this video, hear from The.Wave.Talk CEO, Youngdug Kim, about how we can boost customer's trust in drinking tap water.