• Filtration: Heavy Suspended Solids Filtration - Electromedia® III Electromedia III removes heavy suspended solids from water having up to 200 p.p.m. contaminants
  • Electrochemical Nano Diffusion (END)

    Based on proven electrodialysis reversal (EDR) technology, the END® system transforms two key components of traditional EDR to deliver maximum recovery with minimum energy consumption in numerous brackish water treatment applications.

  • Pile Cloth Media Filtration Removes 97% Of Microplastics From Wastewater

    Learn about filtering microplastics from industrial wastewater prior to discharge, and how this is one way to effectively reduce the volume of this waste material from entering our surface water.

  • WATERTRAK™ Reverse Osmosis Reverse Osmosis uses a semi-permeable spiral wound element to remove up to 99% of dissolved solids and bacteria from the feed water source
  • Arkal Super Galaxy Self-Cleaning Disc Filter

    The Arkal Super Galaxy is a high-flow rate, self-cleaning, automatic disc filter. It is practical for water and wastewater treatment plants, central water systems for irrigation, large cooling tower power plants, ballast water, and saltwater, as it handles desalination. In addition, it controls algae and reduces hydraulic filtration degrees to less than 20 microns. Its vertical and horizontal installation options accommodate all space issues.

  • Filtration: Sea Water Filtration - Electromedia® VIII Electromedia VIII filters suspended solids from sea water for a variety of applications including brine water injection, pre-treatment to desalinization, research facilities, and aquariums


In this episode of the Water Online Show: On Location, Alex Buehler from Integrated Water Services (IWS) sheds light on the company's groundbreaking contributions to the water industry.