

Source: Veolia Water Technologies

Actiflo™ is a compact process that operates with microsand (Actisand™) as a seed for floc formation. Actisand™ provides surface area that enhances flocculation and also acts as a ballast or weight to aid a rapid settlement

A very high rate settling process with low footprint

Actiflo™ is a compact process that operates with microsand (Actisand™) as a seed for floc formation. Actisand™ provides surface area that enhances flocculation and also acts as a ballast or weight to aid a rapid settlement.

Actiflo™ is recommended for:

  • Surface water clarification
  • Industrial process water production
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Storm flow water settlement

Actiflo™: a compact clarifier
The microsand ballasted flocs display unique settling characteristics, which allow clarifier designs with very high overflow rates and short retention times.

These designs result in footprints that are 5 times smaller than classic lamella clarifier or dissolved air flotation (DAF) and up to 20 times smaller than conventional clarification systems.

Drinking Water Applications
In drinking water treatment, the Actiflo process is appropriate for use in any application that would benefit from physical-chemical treatment including coagulation, flocculation and settling. It can be applied to ground water, surface water, and spent filter backwash where either better performance or cost reduction is desired. The process consistently displays efficient removals from raw waters containing turbidity (high and low), color, TOC, algae, particle counts, cryptosporidium, iron, manganese, arsenic and other typical undesirable water contaminants.

Wastewater Applications
Municipalities of all sizes can use the Actiflo microsand ballasted clarification process to improve performance and/or reduce costs for primary and tertiary wastewater treatment. The Actiflo process can be applied whenever physical-chemical treatment including coagulation, flocculation and settling is used. The Actiflo process is ideal for storm water treatment including CSO's, SSO's, and other wet weather flows, due to its high performance, small footprint and extremely quick start up time. The Actiflo process consistently delivers efficient removal of TSS, BOD, Phosphorus, COD, metals, fecal coliform, and other wastewater contaminants.

Industrial Applications
The Actiflo Process is an ideal solution for the production and recycling of process water and pre-treatment of boiler feed or cooling tower make-up water.

Similarly it treats any type of process water as well as most industrial effluents.

Typical uses in the industrial market include:

  • solids, organics and colour removal:
  • pretreatment prior to reverse osmosis membranes or in combination with the Hydrotech Discfilter™,
  • to produce process water for the pulp and paper and food industries;
  • removal of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, zinc...) and ashes from power plant and steel mill effluents, or
  • polishing treatment to remove suspended solids and associated pollutants.


  • Small Footprint
  • High Performance
  • Stability/Ability to Treat Variations in Influent Quality
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Rapid Start Up
  • Reduced Chemical Consumption
  • Increased UFRVs
  • Reduced Civil Costs
  • Increased UVT

ACTIFLO® Ballasted Clarification Process Brochure