• Sentry Rapid Sewer Screening

    Assets should be prioritized based on criticality. Interceptor sewers are critical and require more monitoring than others. But at what cost?

  • SL-DOGĀ® | Sewer Line Data OrGanizer

    SL-DOG provides a convenient method for archiving, validating, visualizing and analyzing the SL-RAT measurement data. The secure cloud-based web portal compliments your acoustic inspections, facilitating collection system maintenance management. 

  • Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SL-RAT)

    The Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SL-RAT) offers a fast, cost-effective solution for assessing the condition of your collection system. Using transmissive acoustics, the SL-RAT identifies blockages and flow restrictions in small-diameter gravity sewer lines.

  • Why Measuring Hydrogen Sulfide In Wastewater Matters

    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas in wastewater environments is a familiar concern. But waiting until its odor is detected can be too late to exert as much control over it as desired. Fortunately, a new ability to monitor H2S concentrations — in the liquid wastewater stream, in real time — is advantageous for wastewater professionals in terms of safety, cost, and consumer complaints. Here are four ways to capitalize on that capability.

  • InfoWorks ICM

    InfoWorks ICM is an advanced, integrated catchment modeling software with cloud capabilities that model complex hydraulic and hydrologic network elements quickly and accurately in a collaborative environment.


Watch this video to better understand why you might consider using acoustic inspection, even if you already have a CCTV program in place for your system.