• SL-DOGĀ® | Sewer Line Data OrGanizer

    SL-DOG provides a convenient method for archiving, validating, visualizing and analyzing the SL-RAT measurement data. The secure cloud-based web portal compliments your acoustic inspections, facilitating collection system maintenance management. 

  • Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SL-RAT)

    You can stop cleaning clean pipes blindly and use the SL-RAT to focus on the right pipes at the right time.

  • Why Measuring Hydrogen Sulfide In Wastewater Matters

    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas in wastewater environments is a familiar concern. But waiting until its odor is detected can be too late to exert as much control over it as desired. Fortunately, a new ability to monitor H2S concentrations — in the liquid wastewater stream, in real time — is advantageous for wastewater professionals in terms of safety, cost, and consumer complaints. Here are four ways to capitalize on that capability.

  • InfoWorks ICM

    InfoWorks ICM is an advanced, integrated catchment modeling software with cloud capabilities that model complex hydraulic and hydrologic network elements quickly and accurately in a collaborative environment.

  • Mueller Offers Expansive Portfolio Of BABA Compliant Products

    Whenever possible, Mueller tailors product certification to match specific job requirements, including part numbers, job identification, and funding agency requirements. We have developed this process working closely with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who was very early in clarifying definitions and requirements for Iron & Steel Products, Construction Materials, and other Manufactured Products.


Watch this video to better understand why you might consider using acoustic inspection, even if you already have a CCTV program in place for your system.