• Arkal Super Galaxy

    Automatic self-cleaning Arkal Spin Klin disc filter, designed as a highly efficient solution for high flow rate applications and for all types of water, including seawater.

  • Mobile Water Services: Reverse Osmosis Technology

    Veolia Water Technologies provides clients with mobile water solutions utilizing Reverse Osmosis technology. With applications in utility steam system make-up water, process water purification, water scarce areas, or where water reuse or recycle are required due to costly wastewater surcharges restricting discharge.

  • Amiad TAF Filters

    Innovative self-cleaning high quality plastic filter for a wide variety of applications.

  • OPUSĀ® II Technology - a New Innovation for High Recovery of Water for Reuse

    OPUS® II is a proprietary process for high recovery of complex wastewater streams. This new innovation uses CeraMem® ceramic membranes as pretreatment for reverse osmosis to reduce the system footprint. OPUS II can be delivered in modular, containerized units to minimize installation costs.

    Like the original OPUS technology, OPUS II effectively removes silica, organics, hardness, boron, strontium and particulates. It generates high quality effluent at a high recovery rate, providing clean water for discharge, recycle or reuse.

  • Granular Activated Carbon Pressure Contactors

    WesTech granular activated carbon (GAC) pressure contactors are an effective means for removal of various-molecular-weight contaminants from aqueous solutions. They are especially suited for the removal of dissolved organic compounds responsible for poor taste and odor in drinking water, as well as removal of a variety of contaminants that can be found in industrial and municipal waters.


Tune in to the latest episode of Water Talk as guests David Glovinsky and Andrew Daley from Trojan Technologies discuss Trojan's use of UV technology to treat and disinfect water.