World Water Works’ inDENSE system increases process throughput and performance through the selection of dense sludge aggregates with improved settling rates and the promotion of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR).
inDENSE is a gravimetric selection technology that provides a method for retaining the denser biomass while wasting out the lighter fraction of the MLSS in the treatment system. Increased density can lead to improved settling characteristics which allows for the prevention of biomass loss and subsequent treatment disruptions, especially during wet weather scenarios.
Selection for faster settling particles, process configuration, and physical forces can encourage aerobic granular sludge formation. Hydrocyclones function by forcing denser flocs/solids to the cyclone walls and down through the underflow to be recycled while the lighter solids move towards the cyclone center and are pushed upwards through the overflow to be wasted. With the use of an external mechanism for selective sludge wasting and biological process configuration, facilities can gain improved operation for a low capital cost investment.
- Enhance nitrogen and phosphorus removal
- Promotes denser sludge selection
- Solution for poor settling MLSS
- Reduced and/or eliminated chemistry
- Easily integrated into any existing plant
- Rapid return on investment
- Minimization of sludge loss
- Operational stability
Conventional activated sludge (CAS) is the predominant wastewater treatment technology globally. One key requirement of the CAS technology is the ability to effectively separate the liquid and solid fractions. Unfavorable settleability can plague facilities seasonally or can be a chronic issue. World Water Works’ inDENSE technology helps alleviate this problem.