By calculating a meter's accuracy, water providers can save money over the life of the product — and purchase the right product in the first place.
In this article, discover why understanding water pressure goes beyond leak detection and is important for many reasons.
This guide will help you evaluate the top considerations when trying to select the right Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network.
As cities grow and face environmental challenges, the concept of urban resilience becomes increasingly important. A recent study discusses the theoretical framework needed to build a smart water network that can enhance the resiliency of urban environments. It also reveals the critical technologies, including advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), that are key to pulling it all together.
While every AMI system has specific advantages, the exact nature of those advantages depends heavily on the network itself and the technologies it leverages.
Both radio frequency (RF) and cellular AMI systems have their pros and cons. Hybrid AMI systems leverage the strengths of each as needed.
A smart city effectively harnesses and maximizes the use of digital technology and data analytics to enhance urban management, make well-informed choices, and elevate the standard of living for its inhabitants.
Efficiency is the lever that can help remedy the problem of a shrinking workforce.
The water industry is seeing greater adoption of advanced technology, data analytics, and predictive modeling to enhance operational efficiency, improve equipment reliability, and ensure sustainability. These technology interventions need a concerted effort that considers people, processes, and technology to establish operational success after the planning phase.
Read about an island that worked with Itron to reduce water losses in Sardinia by installing smart meters that accurately measure consumption and detect leaks. The goal is to improve water conservation and billing efficiency.