• WET WELL WIZARD Wastewater Collection System Aeration

    Every modern town or city has a wastewater collection system of some type. The wastewater collection system is the conduit for used water, both sanitary and gray (relatively clean, including storm water) water, which initiates at the individual homes and businesses in the community. A primary part of the wastewater collection system is a number of “wet wells” that are used as wastewater collection points, or intercepts, from community neighborhoods. Often, lift stations, complete with large electric waste pumps, are used to keep the water moving to the city’s wastewater treatment plant.

  • Iron Salts

    Iron salts are a proven technology for long-duration hydrogen sulfide control in collection system gravity and forcemains; solids processing units, solids transfer lines and anaerobic digesters. They have been used for over 30 years in hydrogen sulfide control applications and are a well understood technology.

  • Why Measuring Hydrogen Sulfide In Wastewater Matters

    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas in wastewater environments is a familiar concern. But waiting until its odor is detected can be too late to exert as much control over it as desired. Fortunately, a new ability to monitor H2S concentrations — in the liquid wastewater stream, in real time — is advantageous for wastewater professionals in terms of safety, cost, and consumer complaints. Here are four ways to capitalize on that capability.

  • Biosolids Odor And Corrosion Control

    For more than 20 years, USP Technologies’ comprehensive biosolids odor and corrosion control solutions have been extremely effective at reducing sulfides and other odor causing compounds in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment systems.

  • GS1440 Sensor H2S

    Water or air, measure H2S where it matters – right at the source.

  • Achieving A Delicate Balance To Maintain RO Membranes

    This application note explores the importance of maintaining a delicate balance in reverse osmosis systems to protect RO membranes.


In the latest episode of Water Talk, Dr. Mirka Wilderer from AqueoUS Vets highlights the company's innovative approach to addressing water quality challenges and emerging contaminants.