• Mueller Offers Expansive Portfolio Of BABA Compliant Products

    Whenever possible, Mueller tailors product certification to match specific job requirements, including part numbers, job identification, and funding agency requirements. We have developed this process working closely with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who was very early in clarifying definitions and requirements for Iron & Steel Products, Construction Materials, and other Manufactured Products.

  • PWS Pro

    120Water’s PWS Pro offers an all-encompassing water quality management program. This integrated system combines all your key water quality initiatives, empowering you to take action across all areas. From necessary communications and notifications to replacement and sampling programs, as well as ongoing service line verification, PWS Pro serves as your comprehensive system of record.

  • PWS Portal

    120Water’s PWS Portal allows utilities to build the data foundation to power efficient water quality program management.

  • PipeScreen Service Line Analyzer

    Safeguard your community without disrupting your customer’s water service with Echologics’ PipeScreen™ Service Line Analyzer.

  • Kickstart Your Inventory Development With Free LCRR Planning Session

    Feeling overwhelmed with the new revisions and need guidance on where to start?


On this episode of In The Flow, Travis Kennedy and Kevin Westerling welcome Lauren Wasserstrom, National Practice Leader for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance at Jacobs, to talk about — what else? — the U.S. EPA's Lead and Copper Rule (LCR).


The U.S. EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), a mandate for drinking water utilities and pipeline products manufacturers to reduce the public’s exposure to lead, received increased scrutiny following the 2014 lead crisis in Flint, MI, leading to new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) which take effect in 2020. Although the LCR has been updated numerous times, the most recent requirements demand a level of action unprecedented since the LCR's initial implementation in 1991. Under the LCRR, utilities must have programs in place for tap-sampling, corrosion control treatment (CCT), lead service line replacement (LSLR), consumer communication, and public education. LCRR will affect almost all aspects of utility operations (treatment, distribution, labor, financial planning, consumer outreach, etc.) to varying and often complex degrees. This information hub will provide LCRR guidance, news, and analysis to facilitate compliance, answering questions such as: What is the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for lead and copper? Who is responsible for the lead service line (LSL)? Which chemicals provide corrosion control? When do Lead and Copper Rule Revisions take effect?

If you have a question not answered here, send an email to editor@wateronline.com.