
Kickstart Your Inventory Development With Free LCRR Planning Session

Source: 120Water

Feeling overwhelmed with the new revisions and need guidance on where to start?

With so much to do in such little time, our state specialists can offer guidance on how you can start building your preliminary inventory with the data and tools you already have at your disposal today.

Here’s what you’ll walk away with from this free 30-minute session:

  • A detailed overview of LCRR and the definitions of compliance
  • Comprehensive understanding of where you are at in the LCRR journey
  • Identify data and resources you already have and can start using to build your preliminary inventory
  • Insights into what other utilities are doing to tackle LCRR and any state-specific guidelines
  • Best practices for managing your data
  • Clear vision and recommendations for best next steps

In only 30 minutes, you’ll know the basics of LCRR. Our team is here and ready to help set your system up for success!

After the session, our team can make solution recommendations where relevant, which may include solutions provided by 120Water or members of our partner network. Let us help you simplify the planning and compliance process.

Book your session now!