
Mueller Offers Expansive Portfolio Of BABA Compliant Products


Whenever possible, Mueller tailors product certification to match specific job requirements, including part numbers, job identification, and funding agency requirements. We have developed this process working closely with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who was very early in clarifying definitions and requirements for Iron & Steel Products, Construction Materials, and other Manufactured Products.

While there are numerous funding options available to water utilities, it is important to understand the funding agency’s interpretations and waivers regarding product classification and domestic content so that your bid meets the correct regulatory requirements and certifications. The Mueller team is here to assist water utilities by identifying and documenting products within our portfolio that qualify for your water infrastructure project.

Here are some of our products that meet BABA requirements:


Mueller has been manufacturing hydrants in the US since 1933. Our standard Super Centurion Hydrants and many other models meet EPA and USDA requirements for BABA Iron and Steel products. Options are available on most hydrants to meet other funding agency requirements as well.

Gate & Specialty Valves

Mueller’s Super Seal, Resilient Wedge Gate Valves from 4” through 12” meet EPA and USDA requirements for BABA certification*. Choosing option “AA” will ensure that any size valve will meet the requirements of all federal funding agencies.

When it comes to specialty valves, Pratt has options for BABA certified Butterfly Valves, Ball Valves, Plug Valves, Knife Gate Valves, Singer Control Valves and other engineered valves. Our new manufacturing facility in Kimball, TN is regularly adding valve models, sizes, and configurations to the portfolio of BABA compliant valves and actuation options.

Hydro Gate , sleeve, cone, knife gate, and Singer control valves can all be engineered to order and easily adapted to funding or job requirements.


For lead service line replacement products, Mueller offers a wide array of service brass products, including corporation valves, curb valves, meter valves, check valves, service saddles and fittings, as well as meter pits and meter setters. Mueller’s brand new, state of the art foundry is adding new lead-free BABA compliant options every day.

Learn more here.