Pumps & Valves Resources
Innovative Water Treatment Solutions For Municipal And Industrial Applications
Water pumps play an essential role in ensuring efficient water treatment for municipal and industrial systems. Their ability to manage both high-pressure requirements and complex water flow demands makes them indispensable. From maintaining irrigation systems in agriculture to supporting large-scale manufacturing plants, pumps are a backbone of sustainable water management.
Control Valve Selection: Criteria And Key Considerations For Utilizing Online Sizing And Selection Tools
Choosing the right process control valve is essential for ensuring operational efficiency and reliability and avoiding expensive downtime. The advent of online sizing and selection tools has transformed the process of selecting valves, providing a more efficient and accurate way to determine the best valve for each specific application.
AFC Hydrants And Valves With Alpha Joints Offer Time Savings And Efficiency For Somerville, Massachusetts
How does a contractor navigate the installation of new water and sewer mains in a neighborhood with heavy traffic, narrow roadways and extensive existing underground infrastructure? The answer is the ALPHA™ restrained joint by AMERICAN Flow Control.
Insta-Valve 20-24 Provides New Control Points Without Disrupting Service To Hospital
Discover how Hydra-Stop’s insertion valve provided new control points without impacting service to surrounding customers.
Insta-Valve 250 Provides Added Control To Prevent Service Disruptions To Senior Care Center
Learn how Hydra-Stop’s insertion valve provided new control points to mitigate future disruptions during a service line emergency.
AMERICAN Provides 53,000 Feet Of Ductile Iron Pipe And 53 Valves For Jacksonville, Florida Project
In this case study, read about a community-owned utility that partnered with AMERICAN to provide 53,000 feet of ductile iron pipe for a new water reclamation facility.
Water Control Gates Remain In Place At W.B. Casey Water Reclamation Facility Even After Expected Replacement
When a water resource recovery facility started seeing hydrogen sulfide levels of more than 500 parts per million, its force main began to deteriorate. The facility expected it would have to replace the gates that were original to the facility, considering the environment around them was destroyed, but upon further inspection it was found that the gates had suffered no damages.
What Benefits Do Variable Frequency Drives Offer For Pump Control?
People working with water infrastructure or handling other industrial needs may choose variable frequency drives (VFDs) for better pump control options. This approach relies on a component that alters the frequency and voltage received by the pump motor, thereby changing its speed and torque. Here are some of the benefits of VFDs.
9/11 Unsung Heroes: How River Water Valves Saved New York City's Subways
When Jim Lauria visited New York's 9/11 Memorial and Museum several years ago, he learned there exists a lesser-known tale of heroism beneath the Twin Towers, involving a subterranean network of river water valves that played a vital role in protecting the city's subway system.
Lift Station Upgrades Position Town Of Altona For Future Growth
With modern automation and controls, prefabricated lift stations were able to improve their operations.