Pumps & Valves Resources
EZ Valve Installed To Maintain Medical District's Water Supply
When a North Texas city identified the need to create a permanent control point as well as isolate an area so a repair could be made to a water main, they called on Texas Hot Taps for a solution.
AVT™ EZ VALVE® Ensured The Water Kept Flowing At A Hospital
When a 40-year-old booster pump servicing Ochsner Health Centre in Baton Rouge, La began to falter, officials knew that had to resolve the issue fast. COVID-19 had left the hospital at full capacity so turning off the facility’s water was not an option. The pump’s existing control point was inoperable, so a new valve needed to be installed.
Vital Infrastructure Remains Operational While a Fire Hydrant Is Repaired
Hydratec Services, a trusted long-term partner of AVT, was called on to assist with the repair of a leaking fire hydrant in an East Texas location.
AVT™ EZ VALVE® And R2M Site Services Ensured The Hot Water Kept Running At UK Hospital
When a leak and burst was identified on LTHW (low temperature, hot water) 10” pipes in a UK hospital, turning off the water to fix the issue was not an option. The hospital needed its water supply to remain on to ensure it could continue to treat patients. Following an 18-month investigation into the issue, the hospital’s contractor Morris Mechanical Services, contacted AVT’s UK installer R2M Site Services who suggested installing a number of AVT EZ Valves to create control points enabling repairs to be made.
10 Years After Installation, Insta-Valve 250 Helps Isolate Repair Area
A previously installed Insta-Valve 250 insertion valve provided control for a fire pump removal without backflow between the water distribution piping and the water treatment facility.
Isolating A Leaking Pipe Helps Avoid Water Disruption To Entire Island
Wanting to avoid an island-wide water system shutdown during peak season, the Village of Bald Head Island turned to the Insta-Valve 250 for help.
Cost Management In Valve Selection: Balancing Price With Suitability
Considering the multiplicity of valve types available on the market and the diversity of applications any one type can serve, proper valve selection can be a tricky proposition. Even within a specific category of valve, differing styles, specific features, and manufacturers’ idiosyncrasies can all serve to complicate the matter.
Bypass System At Onondaga County Pump Station Enables Completion Of Vital Upgrades
When the West Side sewage pump station in Onondaga County, New York, prepared to undergo its first major upgrade in over 30 years, the project required a bypass system to move a peak flow of 30 million gallons per day (MGD). C.O. Falter Construction was named the bypass contractor for the project and worked with Xylem to design and install a temporary system to convey the full amount of flow.
Xylem's Godwin Dri-Prime NC350 Pump Provides Non-Clog Sewer Bypass Solution
Godwin’s Dri-Prime 16-in. pump ran a sewer bypass system continuously for a month without issues while the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, replaced a major outfall line feeding its wastewater treatment plant. The Dri-Prime NC350 combined Flygt N-technology with its innovative self-cleaning impeller and Godwin Field Smart Technology, which provides 24/7 remote monitoring of the pump.
Pumps Tackle Large Bypass System In Greenwich, Connecticut
The town of Greenwich, Connecticut’s existing 54-in. diameter concrete sanitary sewer line, which carried nearly all of the town’s wastewater flow, was being attacked by hydrogen sulfide and deteriorating. After a condition assessment, it was determined that this critical infrastructure should be rehabilitated as soon as possible. In order to complete the sanitary sewer rehabilitation while maintaining treatment operations, a 40.9 million gallons-per-day temporary bypass system was needed to divert the flow from three areas of town to the wastewater treatment plant.