Clean Water Disinfection SOLUTIONS
WEDECO LBX e Series UV System
WEDECO LBX e UV system is a compact closed vessel UV reactor for drinking water, wastewater, water reuse, and WEDEO’s MiPRO Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) applications. Equipped with WEDECO’s low-pressure, high output amalgam ECORAY® UV lamps and OptiDose sensor based control, the LBXe provides the highest operating efficiency with low life-cycle costs. Additionally, the LBXe reactor’s extensive validation envelope ensures disinfection performance over a range of UV transmittance (UVT) values, flowrates, and a variety of target organisms.
Bardac® LF
Bardac® LF 18-50 WT prevents algae growth at low concentrations and regains control of systems where algae have become established.
TrojanUVFlexAOP – Advanced Oxidation System
Meeting the demand for clean water has never been more challenging. Communities around the world are facing a growing water stress – an insufficient supply, in terms of water quality or water quantity – and often both. Many are turning to potable reuse and drinking water remediation to meet these demands. The TrojanUVFlex®AOP can be part of the solution. This UV advanced oxidation system destroys a range of chemical contaminants while simultaneously providing final treatment, helping municipalities relying on lower quality water sources to continue producing high-quality potable drinking water.
Loprest Multi-Cell Filter
Loprest pressure filters can be provided in horizontal or vertical configurations for flow rates from 50 to 5,000 GPM.
NeoTech D228™
The NeoTech D228™ is specially designed to disinfect water and is an essential component in advanced oxidation processes.
Capital Controls® Gas Feeder Series WM4000
Capital Controls Series WM4000 gas feeders are wall cabinet mounted vacuum operated and designed to conveniently house a combination of gas feed equipment. The fibreglass cabinets enclose the gas flow control components.
What Is Genclean Advanced Oxidation Disinfection Solution And What Is It Used For?
A non-toxic, advanced oxidation (AOP) formula of minerals chelated with oxygen and stabilized in an aqueous water solution. It is a viable option in industries and applications requiring a solution to challenging situations where high level effective sanitization and oxidation is required. Read more to learn how the Genclean advanced oxidation treatment solutions can be used in different applications.
Application Note: Ozone Measurement In Potable Water
Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that can be used to destroy the organic compounds that affect the taste and odor of potable water. Environmental concerns have led to increased use of ozone because, unlike chlorine, it does not form hazardous by-products.
AquaKnight™ Water Treatment Equipment
Calgon Carbon’s liquid-phase equipment systems provide utilities with compact, flexible, and cost-effective means to apply both granular activated carbon (GAC) and ion exchange (IX) technologies to treat even the most difficult water treatment challenges.
ChlorMaster® On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation Systems
ChlorMaster seawater systems are commonly used in coastal and offshore installations such as power plants, desalination plants, and oil drilling and production facilities. They effectively control slime and marine organism growth in condenser cooling water, circulating water and service water systems.