Drinking Water Disinfection Resources
Hypochlorite Bleaches Market Continues To Thrive On The Expanding Water Treatment Sector
An inherent vertical of the global specialty chemicals space, hypochlorite bleaches market has been observing remarkable popularity of late. With rising incidences of infectious illnesses on a global scale, the demand for disinfectants, bleaching, and sanitization products is likely to accelerate. Hypochlorite bleaches are popular disinfection products with the ability to terminate a vast array of disease-causing bacteria, fungi, viruses, and fungi, provided they are used with adequate precautionary measures and adhere to specific usage guidelines.
THMs In Drinking Water And Bladder Cancer
The U.S. EPA regulates total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) to reduce risks from bladder cancer and other maladies, but studies suggest there are many other factors to consider.
Analyzing Water Quality Parameters When Choosing AOP Systems For Water Treatment
In water and wastewater treatment, chemistry is king. Treatment options are evaluated depending on the quality of water to be treated and the treatment application. Treatment systems including AOP systems, are designed to specifically target certain contaminants and remove or reduce them from the water. This takes places through the power of chemical reactions. Even biological treatments involve chemistry at their core.
Benefits And Disadvantages Of The Advanced Oxidation Process
In many water and wastewater treatment applications, there are a number of pollutants that are difficult to reduce by physical, chemical, or biological means alone. In more recent years, there has been a growing concern regarding pharmaceutical drugs in drinking water and aquatic environments. Pesticides get caught in runoff from farms into freshwater supplies.
Disinfection Tech Trials: How Calcium Hypochlorite Feeders Won Over Long Beach Township WTPs
In 2012 Long Beach Island, New Jersey, was pummeled by the catastrophic storm surge of Hurricane Sandy. Three of the town's four water plants were badly damaged. Plans were made to rebuild the facilities to higher standards to withstand potential storm impacts.
Reconditioned And Rehabbed Filters Succeed At Large Treatment Plant
A large treatment plant includes several treatment processes that contribute to providing quality recycled water pursuant to the state of California Title 22 regulations. Major treatment processes include raw wastewater pumping, preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, tertiary treatment with Parkson DynaSand® filters, and disinfection.
Ridgway WTP Saves 20-30% With Real UV254 Analyzer
The Ridgway Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Elk County Pennsylvania uses a Real Tech Real UV254 online analyzer to achieve a 20-30% savings in annual coagulant use in their conventional water treatment process. Beyond operational cost savings, the Real UV254 system helps the WTP consistently produce high quality drinking water for the town’s 1700 customers.
On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation Maintains Consistent Chloramine Disinfectant Residual At A Remote Tank
Purissima Hills Water District (PHWD), a county water district, provides chloraminated water service to two-thirds of the town of Los Altos Hills, adjacent to the city of Palo Alto in Northern California. With remote tank locations, low population density (6,800 people) and low water demand (1.61MGD), PHWD is constantly challenged to maintain consistent disinfectant residual levels while simultaneously balancing the safe delivery of chemicals to its tank site at an affordable cost.
Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated With 1,4-Dioxane - Tucson, Arizona
The TrojanUVPhox installation at Tucson's Advanced Oxidation Process Water Treatment Facility treats 1,4-dioxane and produces water that is blended and then treated at the neighboring Tucson Airport Remediation Project facility.
Automated Disinfectant Generation And Control Systems Produce Consistent Residual Levels In Aqua Pennsylvania's Distribution System
Aqua Pennsylvania (Aqua PA), an Aqua America subsidiary, serves more than 1.4 million people in 32 counties across Pennsylvania. Aqua PA has significant experience using chloramine chemistry to mitigate trihalomethane (THM) disinfection byproduct formation in its many distribution systems.