Water Membranes White Papers and Case Studies
Is A Containerized Treatment System Right For You?
As industrial facilities continually look for ways to reduce capital costs and decrease installation timelines associated with water treatment and other systems, the practice of containerizing equipment has become more prevalent. A containerized system offers many benefits of lower costs than comparable field erected buildings, faster timelines, and lower field installation requirements.
Design And Care Of Reverse Osmosis Systems, Part 2: Upstream Equipment
The success of a new reverse osmosis (RO) membrane system is often directly related to its pretreatment. The previous section of this article discussed RO design issues and introduced how a pilot study should include a study of its probable pretreatment equipment since the pretreatment performance will directly affect the performance of the RO system. However, piloting the upstream processes can be challenging in sizing these components for the pilot RO unit’s low flow rate.
Design And Care Of Reverse Osmosis Systems, Part 1: Design
Reverse osmosis (RO) systems offer power plant owners and operators a reliable and well-proven water treatment solution. However, designing and caring for an RO system requires a thorough understanding of a plant’s water supply and the technology’s capabilities. Part one of this series will review the importance of water samples and pilot studies as plant engineers begin to design an RO system to match their needs.
Trouble In Paradise, And A Plan To Alleviate It
While San Diego has a reputation for beautiful weather in a sunny seaside setting, its growing population in the southernmost area of rain-starved California is a recipe for trouble in paradise. That challenge has spurred the creation of Pure Water San Diego — a multi-phase, multi-year program with the goal of using recycled water for up to one-third of San Diego’s water supply by the year 2035.
Expansion And Upgrade Of WWTP Ozone Disinfection System Reduces Energy Cost By 69%
The financial cost to maintain their ozone equipment, and increasing scarcity of replacement parts for their ozone generator, motivated a utility in Springfield, MO, to upgrade their ozone system. Read the full case study to learn how the plant assessed the energy cost of a sidestream ozone injection system compared to that of a turbine mixing design and showed that the Mazzei retrofit design reduced the energy cost of ozone contacting by an average of 69.2% under all plant flow conditions.
Largest Ozone Facility In North America Meets Regulatory Requirements And Remediates Taste & Odor Problems
The North Texas Metropolitan Water District began working to add ozone to its four interconnected water treatment facilities which operate as the Wylie Water Treatment Plant (WTP).
Improving The Quality Of Tertiary Effluent For Indirect Potable Reuse With Geographic Constraints
The Mazzei Sidestream Venturi Injection – Pipeline Flash Reactor System provides a feasible alternative for dissolution of ozone at the Clark County Water Reclamation District (CCWRD) in Las Vegas, because it allowed for flexibility in basin design to meet geographic site constraints.
Ozone Resolves Hydrogen Sulfide And Color Issues In Well Water
A potable water plant in Eastern Angelina County, Texas, serves over 2,000 rural customers.
Maximum Ozone Transfer Efficiency Across Broad Range Of Water Flow
The design team for the intermediate ozone system at Buckingham Water Treatment Plant, Quebec, had limited space available for ozone contacting for the plant’s 1.3 – 7.4 MGD flow, so a standard fine bubble diffusion basin for ozone disinfection was not an option.
Evaluation And Optimization Of Clean-In-Place Using Ozone
A chemical company which specializes in Clean-In-Place (CIP) systems, contacted Mazzei to discuss the use of ozone as an alternative to peracetic acid sanitation or heat sterilization at their customers’ plants.