Water Membranes White Papers and Case Studies
What Is The Importance Of Pretreatment For Industrial Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment?
Your body is a machine. Like most machines, you have to properly maintain your body in order for it to function properly. Along with regular cleaning and checkups, you also have to be cognizant of what food you put into your body or else it won’t work at its maximum potential. An industrial reverse osmosis water treatment system actually works in quite a similar way.
Pros And Cons Of Seawater Desalination Using RO For Drinking Water
Using seawater desalination RO treatment systems, coastal communities and island nations can achieve clean and safe water. So why do some countries utilize this advanced treatment technology, while others do not?
4 Benefits Of Utilizing Reverse Osmosis Wastewater Treatment For Reuse
When a municipality or business wants to reuse their wastewater, some applications require more treatment than others due to the quality of the wastewater. Many standard wastewater treatment systems consist of pretreatment, primary treatment, and secondary treatment stages. By the end of the secondary stage, a majority of the pollutants, solids, organics, inorganics, and metals have been removed or reduced. This is where reverse osmosis wastewater treatment can be utilized in a third stage process.
TITAN MBR™ Provides Private Developers With Automated Operation And Compact Footprint
The packaged Smith & Loveless TITAN MBR™ Membrane BioReactor (MBR) provides commercial and private developers the most cost-effective solution for enhanced wastewater treatment and water reuse. Enhanced to make operation even more automated and simpler, and regular maintenance even safer and less frequent than any other membrane system, the new TITAN MBR™ features more compact models with the ability to achieve customized effluent goals and water reuse efficiently.
Eco-Focused Winery Reuses Wastewater And Saves Space With TITAN MBR™
Recognized as authorities of bio-dynamic farming techniques and sustainable winemaking in France, family owners of a particular Sonoma County winery sought to utilize eco-friendly practices also in their California vineyards. After purchasing the winery in 2004, the family ownership began overhauling their vineyards and overall winery operation to revitalize every aspect of the winery, from soil to wine making.
Advanced On-Site Wastewater Treatment For Greenfield And Retrofit Applications
Many owners and operators of traditional decentralized municipal wastewater treatment plants, also referred to as on-site or off-grid treatment, are acutely aware their systems are at risk of becoming obsolete.
MBR System Treats Nut Processor's High Strength Wastewater With Ease
The macadamia nut is indeed favored by many as a high quality nut, evidenced by its extensive use in desserts or simply as a premium stand-alone snack. One of the world’s leading producers of these delicious nuts produces more than 15 million pounds each year from its Hawaii processing plant.
Church Road Transfer Station - Modular MBR Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Church Road Transfer Station (CRTS) is located southwest of downtown Parksville, British Columbia in the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN). The facility receives organic waste, solid waste, recyclables, and construction/demolition waste from the general public and commercial haulers. Its expansion under the RDN’s Green Building Policy transformed it into a zero-waste facility.
Ontario - Modular MBR Sewage Treatment Plant
The Detour Lake deposit is Canada’s largest undeveloped pure gold reserve, and is located approximately eight kilometers west of the Ontario-Québec border, 180 kilometers northeast of Cochrane, Ontario. Gold production at the site began in early 2013 and production at the mine is expected to grow over time.
Aqua MultiBore® C-Series Ceramic Membrane System Solves Disinfection By-Product (DPB) Challenge At Butte-Silver Bow, Montana
The Basin Creek Reservoir in Butte, MT served its community with pristine water from both sides of the Continental Divide for nearly 100 years. In 2010, a pine beetle infestation killed most of the trees surrounding the reservoir, many of which fell into the water, increasing the natural organic matter (NOM) level.