Drinking Water Case Studies and White Papers
Taste and Odor Compounds in Drinking Water
The primary sources of taste and odor problems in drinking water are algae and bacteria. This fact sheet delves into the different kinds of compounds that cause taste and odor issues in drinking water.
Peristaltic Pumps, Diaphragm Pumps, Or Neither? The Basics Of Chemical Feed Solutions
Chemical dosing plays a pivotal role in water and wastewater treatment operations, so selecting the optimal feed system is critical to achieving quality goals and meeting permit requirements. With multiple technologies available, it is important to understand the benefits and downsides of each.
Orchestrating Corrosion Control With Phosphate Analyzers
Keeping corrosion under control requires sound strategy and reliable execution. Here are several approaches to better, more effective corrosion control.
Put A 'Stop' To Water-Main-Repair Shutdowns And Boil-Water Notices
For most water or wastewater system operators, engineers, and repair crews, the only thing worse than facing a 24”-main emergency repair is facing an even larger one. To those who have never performed an emergency line stop and bypass, the idea of completing repairs with no service outage, no long-term shutdown, and no ‘boil water’ notice is almost beyond belief. To those who have, it’s a sigh of relief.
Cyanide Analysis Of Wastewater Samples From FCC And Hydrocracking Operations
Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is a major unit operation in refineries around the world. FCC is used to convert lowvalue, high molecular weight feedstocks such as shale oil, tar sands oil, and coker gas oils into lighter, high-value products by “cracking” C-C bonds.
Advancing The Potential For Stormwater Reuse: Investigation Of Water Quality And Treatment
Managing stormwater runoff is a complex environmental challenge for communities across the country. As stormwater runoff flows into nearby waterways, it can collect various pollutants including trash, chemicals, oils, and dirt, which can lead to environmental and public health impacts.
Worry-Free Water Metering With Advanced Electromagnetic Technology
Accurate measurement of water consumption across a large metropolitan area is no easy task, but for a water company it can mean the difference between profitability and throwing money down the drain. That’s why City West Water, a major water supplier to residential, commercial and industrial sites in and around the city of Melbourne, Australia, has been working with Siemens for more than a decade to install SITRANS F M MAG 8000 electromagnetic water meters at high-consumption sites and in fire service applications.
Real-Time Digital Analytics Identifies More Than 180 Million Gallons Of Annual CSO Reduction
The City of Richmond turns to Xylem Wastewater Network Optimization to identify critical CSO-reducing projects, putting them on a path to regulatory compliance while avoiding costly and unnecessary infrastructure.
Treatment Of Cyanotoxins In Drinking Water With Activated Carbon
Recently, cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins have become a high profile drinking water quality concern in both the United States and abroad. The combination of weather conditions, agricultural phosphate runoff, and other factors has produced water conditions that have favored the formation of cyanobacteria in surface water supplies.
Mostaganem Desalination Plant: Algeria
LG Chem NanoH2O™ membranes deliver high quality water for potable use in one of the largest desalination plants in Algeria.