Drinking Water Case Studies and White Papers
Setting A Precedent: American And Others Work To Ensure Oregon Water System Meets Rigorous Seismic Safety Standards
Most agree that Oregon, with its breathtaking mountains and rugged coastline, is a scenic wonder. Yet the geologic forces that make it so spectacular also make it one of the most earthquake-prone spots in the country.
Cost-Effective Telemetry For Agricultural Applications
Implementing telemetry — the ability to transmit flow meter readings — allows water managers in irrigation districts and small rural systems to work smarter, not harder, by aggregating critical, real-time flow information. Until recently, telemetry was expensive and plagued with problems. However, advanced technology offers an ideal solution.
Dechlorination Of Boiler Makeup Water At Baseload Generation Facility
Atlantium Technologies installed a HOD UV system at a North American baseload generation facility to replace GAC filters and provide efficient and effective water treatment. The system ensures low chlorine concentration and reduces bacterial growth.
Advanced Diagnostics of Thermal Mass Flow Meters
Many thermal mass flow meters are of the insertion type. As a starting point, proper insertion depth and straight run per the manufacturer’s recommendations should be adhered to.
High-Flux Polymeric Membrane For Industrial Water Separation
Water is essential to numerous industries such as chemical manufacturing, automotive production, oil and gas refinery and power generation, yet the increasing scarcity of this precious resource makes its recovery from these activities more critical than ever.
Microplastic Removal With Cloth Media Filtration
Pile cloth media filters are a cost-effective and simple solution to prevent microplastics from entering water systems through industrial effluent and municipal wastewater.
Surface Water Treatment & LT2 Compliance - Surprise, Arizona
The White Tanks Regional Water Treatment Facility (White Tanks) is located in Surprise, Arizona, and treats surface water from the Colorado River that is delivered by a 336 mile (540 kilometer) man-made canal.
How AMI Works To Underpin Resiliency
With the rate of natural disasters on the upswing—and the possibility of terror attacks and source water issues always present—municipalities are under more pressure than ever to build resiliency into their water systems.
Mapping Assets For Resilience And Response In Emergencies
Among utilities concerned about resilience and response in natural disasters or other emergencies, precise asset inventory and mapping are high priorities. In truth, there is value in having the same information for everyday purposes as well. For anyone who has ever had a problem locating or tracking key water or wastewater system assets, here are several good reasons and ways to avoid a last-minute scramble.
Refining GAC Solution Costs For PFAS And Other Contaminants
Whether a water treatment plant (WTP) is evaluating a new granular activated carbon (GAC) solution to deal with contamination problems such as PFAS, DBPs, and VOCs or looking to enhance existing GAC performance, it is important to assess treatment processes in the full context of source water quality. Here are some ideas to help decision-makers achieve the best outcomes at the lowest total lifecycle cost.