Drinking Water Case Studies and White Papers
High Recovery Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment For Industrial, Agricultural, And Municipal Applications
Industry accounts for nearly 60 percent of fresh water withdrawals in the developed world and agriculture consumes 70 percent of fresh water supplies globally, according to UNESCO.
VOCs For Non-Scientists: Understanding, Detecting, Removing
This introduction to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) will discuss what qualifies a compound as a VOC, how to detect them, and how to treat and remove these chemicals from the water system.
Is Your Source Water In Danger? Invest In An Ounce Of Prevention
Despite all of life’s adages about the value of preparation (an ounce of prevention…, a stich in time…, failing to plan…), it’s easy for long-range, source-water-security planning to be deferred because ‘there’s just not enough time or funding to do it right now.’ With the stakes of compromised water quality being so high, however, here are some helpful insights and incentives on why and how to start planning sooner rather than later.
The Elected Official's Guide To Understanding The US Lead Effect
“The water crisis in Flint is the Cuyahoga River fire of our generation: an event that thrust a widespread but underappreciated problem into the national consciousness.”
How To Keep Consistent Chlorine Residuals In Small Storage Tank Systems
Chemicals used for disinfection react with various contaminants in water and degrade over time, resulting in a loss of disinfection residual. The loss of disinfectant residuals can set up conditions for serious bacterial growth, as well as increased levels of disinfection byproducts.
How To Install pH Sensors
This article is for those of you who need to install a new or redo an existing pH loop. These tips can help ensure accurate and consistent readings.
An Advanced Approach To 1,4-Dioxane Treatment (Article)
Because many locations dealing with groundwater contamination generally have multiple micropollutants to remove, consulting engineers and water treatment plant managers are often put in a position to seek additional or alternative treatment approaches other than activated carbon or reverse osmosis.
Jobsite Water Compliance
Understanding water compliance, as used on a construction job site, is critical for keeping projects on time and budget. Expected or unexpected water, and contaminants in that water, can potentially cause challenges, delays, and a hit to the bottom line.
AMI Gets Faster With LoRaWAN® Class B Specification
A smart city effectively harnesses and maximizes the use of digital technology and data analytics to enhance urban management, make well-informed choices, and elevate the standard of living for its inhabitants.
Successful Piloting Of UV Advanced Oxidation On Long Island For 1,4-dioxane Treatment
The New York State Department of Health has recognized the ultraviolet advanced oxidation process (UV AOP) as a treatment solution for 1,4-dioxane. For water providers located in Nassau County on Long Island, it was necessary to pilot UV AOP technology at the various wells requiring treatment in order to confirm treatment efficacy and obtain state approval.