Water Reuse Videos
Xylem Reuse Water Beer Tasting
At WEFTEC 2016, Xylem partnered with the WateReuse Association, Tetra Tech and GE to show that appropriately-treated potable drinking water can make happy hour even more fun!
The Future Of Water Reuse
Water reuse has long been trending up, but where do we stand in 2019 and beyond, particularly with respect to potable reuse, which has been more difficult to implement? Andrew Salveson, Water Reuse Practice Director at Carollo Engineers, talked about adoption rates, national and regional activity, and what's on tap for water reuse in this Water Talk interview. While the West and Southwest parts of the U.S. have been faster to embrace the practice due to drought and scarcity, Salveson explains why the Northwest and East Coast, where rain is abundant, are also getting on board.
Taking Advantage Of The 'Opportunity Of A Lifetime' In Water
If you're of the mind that the water industry is staid and stagnant, watch this interview with Xylem's Joe Vesey to have your mind changed. Vesey, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer with Xylem, describes the "massive disruption, massive change, [and] massive value creation" happening broadly across society and business, promising that it's also "going to happen in water." At Xylem, it has already begun.
Water Reuse Drives The Resource Revolution
Water scarcity challenges are growing. Manufacturing the products used in our daily lives consumes a large amount of water. Reusing treated wastewater provides the most sustainable source of clean water.
The Mainstreaming Of Potable Reuse
With ever-growing demand for water resources, the reuse discussion has been building for years. More utilities are considering it, policy is being created around it, and new technologies are making it more efficient. To better understand the evolving landscape, Water Talk sat down with Brown and Caldwell's regional One Water leader, Allegra da Silva.
Laying The Blueprint For 'One Water' Management
Partnering with the Water Research Foundation, Brown and Caldwell has developed the Blueprint for One Water — a user-friendly document for the practical application of 'One Water' planning. According to Lisa Skutecki, Brown and Caldwell's Southern California Water Resources Group Manager, 'One Water' is the concept of breaking down barriers across the water sector.
The Expanding Role Of Ozone
As water reuse becomes increasingly common, more utilities will get to know ozone. To explain its role in water treatment schemes, Water Talk welcomed Jim Lauria, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Mazzei Injector Company, and Ben Kuhnel, Senior Project Manager for Arcadis. Learn how ozone works in concert with other processes to safely recycle water and treat contaminants of emerging concern — even in mobile/on-site applications.
What's Next For Water Reuse?
Steve Katz, Market Development Manager at SUEZ, explains how water reuse is being looked at differently today than it was even five years ago. Meanwhile, the stresses on water supply — increasing demand from industry and population growth, often in the face of drought — become more pressing with each passing year. Fortunately, water reuse is on the rise as public perception shifts and treatment technology advances.
Calculating The Cost Of Water Reuse
The adoption of water reuse can be unavoidable due to water scarcity, but it may also be a choice. And when it comes to choices, cost is usually a deciding factor. Gary Hunter, Senior Wastewater Process Engineer with Black & Veatch, helps make sense of the dollars required for recycled water schemes in this Water Talk interview.
The Sound Of Water Reuse
Want to hear some good news on water reuse? Listen to this Water Talk interview with Christina Brown, Director of Program Management at Brown and Caldwell, to learn about the EchoWater project, which will allow the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District — the largest inland discharger west of the Mississippi — to reuse half of their discharge while also reducing nitrogen loading into the Sacramento River.