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5 Questions To Ask When Selecting A SaaS Metering Data Solution
SaaS technologies for metering data management (MDM) offer opportunities well beyond sending bills. But water utilities first need to understand their options before choosing a provider.
How Ultrasonic Clamp-On Meters Deliver Savings To Users
Ultrasonic clamp-on meters offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional electromagnetic meters (also called mag meters) and other metering technologies for non-billing applications.
Shifting To Cellular Solutions Underpins Long-Term Resiliency And Stability
System longevity is a growing concern for water utilities of all sizes and locations. One of the biggest obstacles in achieving this goal is the use of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) that leverages fixed network communications. Not only do fixed networks require significant expertise to build and manage, but a shrinking workforce is also making it difficult to replace institutional knowledge when those experts retire. Additionally, emerging cybersecurity threats are making fixed networks a heavy load for utilities to bear.
Overcoming Space Constraints For An Accurate Flow Measurement
Accurate and reliable flow measurement is critical to many water treatment and distribution applications. However, this can be a dicey proposition because most metering solutions require a set amount of straight pipe runs, before and after the device, to ensure accuracy. To address these and other related issues, an innovative solution has emerged.
Achieving Better Visibility With Less Work Through Software As A Service
Operating a water treatment and distribution system is difficult enough on its own, but the job gets even more complex for utility managers struggling to harness their metering data.
Keys To Improved Quality And Flow Accuracy In Industrial Effluent Applications
To ensure regulatory compliance and protect infrastructure, local wastewater utilities are increasingly requiring industrial operations to provide them with quality and flow monitoring information before discharges reach the utility. Industrial companies can be proactive toward this obligation — in turn, saving money and avoiding compliance issues — by collecting the most accurate data in near real-time.
Getting A Better Handle On Open Channel Flows
Flow meter choices are plentiful when it comes to full pipes, but the lack of options for open channels and partially filled pipes in wastewater and stormwater applications presents a special challenge for municipalities. In many of those cases, utility managers are contending with water contaminated with foam, oil, grease, or debris. The good news is that economical and reliable open channel flow meters are available to tackle those issues.
Why Ultrasonic Flow Metering Is Gaining Popularity Over Mechanical In Clean Water Applications
Mechanical flow meters have always been a dependable option for drinking water treatment and distribution. However, the adoption of ultrasonic devices for these applications is growing steadily as water managers realize that advancements make them a better choice in many cases.
How The Right Tools Are Boosting Consumer Engagement
By some accounts, as much as 20 percent of water utility customers across the U.S. aren’t aware that they have an active water leak. Until those customers understand that a leak is negatively impacting their water bill, they will likely have little interest in the underlying data.
Keys To A Successful AMI Rollout
With its ability to improve customer service, reduce costs and boost visibility into water distribution systems, AMI has rapidly become a worthwhile investment. The ability to capture and analyze vast amounts of actionable data is at the core of AMI.