Featured Articles
The Benefits Of Arming Your Consumers With Their Water Usage Data
Modern-era communication networks and data storage capacities are rapidly transforming the relationship between water utilities and their customers. The technology and infrastructure that we have today can provide timely water usage data directly to customers’ cell phones, creating the most transparent relationship that we have ever seen between water provider and consumer.
When It Comes To Smart Water Management, It All Starts With Flow
There is a lot of buzz about smart water management in the water and wastewater market these days. It seems that every manufacturer, service provider and consultant is attempting to differentiate their offering by focusing on how smart it is. But in this modern age of data-driven operations, an old adage holds true: junk in, junk out. Regardless of how good your analytics package is, if you don’t collect reliable source data, your results will be skewed.
Enhanced Data Analysis To Plug Knowledge Drain As Baby Boomers Retire
One of the greatest challenges faced by our nation’s water departments is replacing the retiring baby boomer. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that water/wastewater system employees will retire at a faster rate than the national average, estimated at 25 percent through 2024.
Flow Meter Selection 101: Not All Flows Are The Same
Flow measurement is critical to effective process control and management, whether for municipal or industrial uses. Before you purchase a flow meter, there are a lot of factors to consider. Be sure to answer these questions before deciding on the type of meter to install.
Digitization, Water Concerns, And Smart Meters
As our society continues to embrace digital technology, it’s fair to say that the world of water utilities will be, a major beneficiary of this revolution.
Why The Future Of Smart Meters Is Now
The utility of the future will become an integral part of “smart cities.” These forward-thinking cities and utilities will have a complete sense of operations and millions of points of data streaming in at all times, allowing them to operate more efficiently and effectively. One component of the advanced water utility is already in the hands of many: smart meters.
Cash-Strapped Cities Look To Smart Water
It’s no secret that municipalities across the country are facing budget constraints.
BEACON AMA Managed Solution Helps Provide Great Water and Great Customer Service
Situated along the Arkansas River and Lake Dardanelle in the heart of the Arkansas River Valley, Russellville, Arkansas is known for having plentiful amounts of high quality, fresh water.
BEACONĀ® Software as a Service (SaaS) With ORIONĀ® Cellular Endpoints Increases Revenue And Improves Customer Service
Salisbury-Rowan Utilities in Salisbury, N.C. prides itself on providing excellent customer service. While its commercial and industrial customers comprise just 15 percent of total customer accounts, they generate 65 percent of the utility’s monthly billed volume. That’s why, when it came time to select a new meter reading solution, the ability to receive data-driven analytics to better understand, monitor and manage its operations was a top priority for the utility’s leadership team.
Helping The Public See The Magic Of AMI
The benefits of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) are well known in the water industry, but the public is not as aware of what AMI has to offer. With that in mind, industry experts are looking for ways to educate customers about the value provided by AMI.