Big Sky, Montana Water District Enhances Operations With Xylem
Discover how smart technology helped a Montana utility advance leak detection and customer service goals.
A Utility's Guide To Evaluating Network-As-A-Service
The following pages provide a comprehensive picture of NaaS, including the key questions that will help determine which solution is right for your utility.
The AMI Water Meter That Modernized Madison County
Explore how Madison County, challenged by increased demand, a growing customer base, and a system that was administered by the city, decided it was time to transition to an AMI water meter solution.
Reversing Water Loss In A Rural Municipality
Explore how Oneida's water department went from dealing with water loss, partnering up and solving the challenge, and getting unexpected results.
Digital Transformation Drives Customer Satisfaction, Improved Processes
Digital payment platforms improve the efficiency of collections and related labor practices, but their greatest benefit may be enhancing utility-customer relations.
Why Reliable Communication Is Key To The Future Of Water
A reliable communications network must have robustness, redundancy, reconnaissance, and resiliency. This article will explain what this means, why it matters, and the necessary steps to build one.
4 Ways To Unlock The Hidden Potential Of Water Utilities
Learn how water utilities can reach their full potential by becoming more resilient, transparent, efficient, and sustainable.
6 Objections To AMI – And Why They Are No Longer Valid
This article presents common misconceptions about advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) among water utilities, and why modern AMI technology, in particular NaaS, overcomes them.
U.S. Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act: Prioritizing Capital Water Improvement Projects
According to the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card, only 21% of all U.S. utilities report being able to fully cover the cost of providing drinking water services.
Leveraging AMI For The Low Voltage Landscape
In this white paper, explore ways that utilities are prioritizing grid management use cases and challenges that utilities face in capturing the full value of AMI data.