Wastewater Membranes Resources
Why RO Plants Need Pretreatment
Reverse osmosis (RO) is today among the most commonly used water purification technologies, in both public and private spheres. RO plant manufacturers supply large municipal bodies as well as smaller communities, and RO plants also have a widespread commercial usage — for example, within the food and beverage industry.
New Membrane Gel Keeps Viruses Out Of Wastewater
New research has developed a membrane technology that repels deadly viruses while maintaining permeability. Is it a ‘must have’ for treatment operations?
Weighing The Power Of Simplified Membrane Systems
Researchers have developed a membrane system that utilizes gravity to reduce operational requirements, proving that simplicity can be a beautiful thing.
The Potential Of Customized 3D-Printed Membranes
Researchers have begun to explore the idea of 3D printing as a way to manufacture membranes. What could the cutting-edge technology mean for water and wastewater treatment?
How To Control Filter Cake And Membrane Surface Fouling
Who wants cake? Certainly not treatment plant operators who employ microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes, and here’s what they’re doing about it.
City Validates Innovative Reuse Treatment Options Without RO
Hollywood, Florida’s 55.5 MGD Southern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWWTP) treats wastewater from Hollywood and six neighboring municipalities in the southern region of Broward County. Florida’s outfall rule requires the city to begin a process to largely eliminate the use of its ocean outfall and implement 20.4 MGD of additional reuse on an annual basis.
California And Potable Reuse's Sustainable Momentum
A new recycled water project in California is moving forward with plans to bolster the local drinking water supply.
Changing Membranes And The Future Of Water
A new fellowship has been awarded to students researching the latest advances in membrane technology and, perhaps, changing the future of water.
Top Monitoring Tools For Membrane Bioreactors
With increasing pressure on water resources, efficient and reliable wastewater treatment systems are crucial. Plants are searching for solutions that offer a smaller footprint and higher quality effluent. Over the last 15 years, membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have become increasingly common in both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants and help mitigate against effluent suspended solid issues. These systems combine a membrane filter with an activated sludge process where microorganisms are able to thrive and break down contaminants.
Industry Innovations For Reverse Osmosis Concentrate: A Challenging Liability Becomes A Valued Asset
Unlike dead-head filtration characterized by a single flow in and out, both reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) technologies are unique in that they produce two effluent streams, a lower TDS (total dissolved solids) permeate and a higher TDS concentrate.