SCADA and Automation Videos
Video: MultiSmart Powered By Nexicon
Xylem MultiSmart powered by Nexicon™ is an innovative monitoring and control platform designed by world-class water experts to keep up with demands and lower operational costs
Supporting Customers Throughout The Water Cycle
In this episode of Water Talk, we sit down with Matthew Pine from Xylem to talk about supporting customers throughout the whole water cycle.
Benefits Of Upgrading To Ultrasonic Water Meters
In an effort to decrease non-revenue water and improve customer service, Salisbury-Rowan Utilities (SRU) completed an in-house meter analysis in 2012 and determined that a meter change-out project was necessary.
A Father And Son Team Use OpenFlows SewerCAD To Help Vulnerable Communities
In Brazil, the most vulnerable communities lack sanitation systems. TSA — Tecnologia em Saneamento Ambiental — used OpenFlows SewerCAD to design new sewage networks to reach an entire population not currently connected.
Engineers In Drought-Burdened Brazil Use OpenFlows WaterCAD
The father/son team at TSA - Tecnologia em Saneamento Ambiental - made significant reductions in water loss using OpenFlows WaterCAD, helping hard-hit communities during a drought.
Kando Quality Pulse
Discover how you can get a full picture of your wastewater quality status and trends, and know where to focus your efforts.
How MWH Treatment Spearheaded Innovation And Renewal At Burnley Wastewater Treatment Works
The Burnley Wastewater Treatment Works project, which forms part of United Utilities Water Company, was initiated to improve current site capabilities and comply with tightened regulatory standards to accommodate population growth in Northwest United Kingdom. Significant time and cost constraints demanded a digital approach to the project, which was a finalist in the Water and Wastewater category at Bentley’s Systems’ 2022 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure event. Tune in for more details from Adam Robson and Clare Kovacs of MWH Treatment, interviewed by Angela Godwin for Water Online.
Jacobs And PUB Team Up For Award-Winning Work At The Tuas Water Reclamation Plant
Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (TWRP) is part of Singapore’s larger deep tunnel sewerage system, designed to provide a cost-effective and sustainable solution to the country’s long-term needs for water collection, treatment, reclamation, and disposal. Learn more about the goals, challenges, and solutions deployed for the project, which took the top prize at Bentley Systems' 2022 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure, in this interview with OhSung Kwan of Jacobs and Tion Seng of Singapore PUB, conducted by Angela Godwin for Water Online.
Applying Control Technology To Water And Wastewater
Bob Adams, president of Revere Controls Systems, speaks with Angela Godwin about how the water industry has changed over the last 40 years.
Optimizing Data With Info360
In this episode of Water Talk, Javier Cantu and Mike Pennell from Innovyze discuss how Info360 is designed to help utilities better optimize and monitor their data.