The Iron Bowl And Your Water Pipe – Neither Ever Disappoints
The primary reason the Iron Bowl is so appropriately named is that it’s a tough game, played by tough men, fighting with toughness and resilience for their teams and universities, and their fans care perhaps even more. Tough, hard-hitting, durable, resilient. All describe both the players in the Iron Bowl and the performance of ductile iron pipe.
Which Gate Valve Is Best For Today's Waterworks Systems?
Outdated specifications can sometimes lead to confusion regarding which gate valve should be used. Understanding how the standards have evolved and why can help utilities understand the source of this confusion.
Are Bypasses Needed With Today's Waterworks Gate Valves? New Information Says They're Not.
Up until recently, there was no empirical data to support the position that bypasses, for the routine operation of resilient wedge gate valves, are not needed.
AFC SEMPER® Remote Pressure Monitors Provide Real-Time Insight To Miami Beach Water
Over the past year, the Water Division of the city of Miami Beach, Florida, has seen its use of AMERICAN Flow Control SEMPER Remote Pressure Monitors (RPM) grow.
Lakes Powell And Mead Don't Have To Dry Up
First, it was Lake Mead, behind Hoover Dam. Now it's Lake Powell, upstream of Mead and behind Glen Canyon Dam. The water supplies supported by these feats of engineering are dwindling. There are many reasons, but it's not necessary.
AFC SEMPER® RPM Aids Louisiana Water Utility After Hurricane Ida Strikes
The Lafourche Parish Water District used the AMERICAN Flow Control SEMPER Remote Pressure Monitor (RPM) to understand what was happening to their water system before Hurricane Ida made landfall.
Earth Day: Alabama's Iron And Steel Manufacturing Contributes To Our Environment
I was in fifth grade on the first Earth Day. There was an abandoned earth mover in the woods near my elementary school, and Mrs. Fields’ social studies class painted it with bright colors to improve our visual environment. It was 1970, Richard Nixon was President, and later that year he would establish the Environmental Protection Agency.
Little did I know then that Earth Day is about science, there are economics within environmentalism, and I would have a career promoting stewardship of the earth.
Is Your Water System Trying to Tell You Something?
When something goes wrong, we often ask ourselves if there was some sort of sign that would have lessened the impact. Especially if you are in the business of providing water to people, you might wish you had a crystal ball to get in front of problems before they happen. While we can’t provide you with a crystal ball, we can help give some insight into what your water system may be telling you with the introduction of the AFC SEMPER Remote Pressure Monitor.
Innovative And Dependable Protection For Your Pipeline Assets In The Most Demanding Environments
The Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association and the Corrpro corrosion consulting firm conducted a joint study of zinc coated and V-Bio enhanced polyethylene encased ductile iron pipe buried in the Everglades. I presented the results at NACE’s Eastern Area Conference in Jacksonville, Florida in October of 2019, and a separate report will be part of the NACE 2020 conference digital proceedings later this summer.
Manufacturing In Alabama And The Current Environment
What’s a business leader to do at time such as this? What is a manufacturing business leader to do at a time such as this? Does it really matter whether a business is a service provider such as a restaurant or is a manufacturer? If so, does it matter what the company manufactures?