Drinking Water Distribution Videos
Video: Xylem Vue Powered By GoAigua Leak Detection
Learn about a leak detection module that enhances water efficiency management by detecting, categorizing, and preventing real or apparent losses.
Envisioning The Future Of Water In 2050
In this episode of Water Talk, Angela Godwin sits down with Maury Gaston from American Cast Iron Pipe Company to talk about what's new at American.
Repairing Critical Infrastructure Without Disrupting Service
In this episode of Water Talk, Angela Godwin sits down with Mike Scholz from JCM Industries to discuss what JCM focused on at AWWA ACE 2023.
Solutions For Common Challenges In The Water Industry
In this clip from Virtual Water Expo, Matt Stuyvenberg from Badger Meter highlights some potential solutions for common challenges, as well as examples of delivering network insights.
Taking The Guess Work Out Of Water Metering
In order to minimize impacts to customers during heavy water usage periods, South Carolina’s Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority needed more data.
Solving Water Loss With Actionable Data
Northern California’s Summit Mutual Water Company faced several operational challenges due to aging water meters in its system—made more difficult by the rural terrain teams needed to travel to obtain usage reads.
Benefits Of Upgrading To Ultrasonic Water Meters
In an effort to decrease non-revenue water and improve customer service, Salisbury-Rowan Utilities (SRU) completed an in-house meter analysis in 2012 and determined that a meter change-out project was necessary.
Engineers In Drought-Burdened Brazil Use OpenFlows WaterCAD
The father/son team at TSA - Tecnologia em Saneamento Ambiental - made significant reductions in water loss using OpenFlows WaterCAD, helping hard-hit communities during a drought.
Working Outside The "Fence" Of Existing SCADA Solutions
In this episode of Water Talk, Scott Walker from LEC discusses the importance of keeping communication up and running in the water industry.
Why Water Quality Monitoring Is An Important Part Of Smart Water Solutions
Matt Stuyvenberg from Badger Meter explains why water quality monitoring is an important part of smart water solutions, and how water quality monitoring can enhance how operators manage their water systems.