Contaminant Removal Products
Pharmaceutical Batch Mixers
A Silverson high shear batch mixer doesn't simply mix; it emulsifies, homogenizes, solubilizes, suspends, disperses and disintegrates solids. Each mixer, with its precision-engineered Silverson rotor/stator workhead, far outperforms conventional mixers, cutting processing times by up to 90%, improving quality, product consistency and process efficiency.
EMCCD Camera: Falcon III
The new Falcon III from Raptor Photonics incorporates a new EMCCD back-illuminated sensor offering 1MP resolution with 10µm square pixels. It images with a peak QE of >95% offering unsurpassed sensitivity with less than 1 electron readout noise. It offers the combination of ultimate sensitivity and speed through a single output amplifier thereby maximizing uniformity. It is three times faster than previous generation EMCCDs running at 31Hz in full resolution, with superior linearity and low gain performance. Ideal applications include adaptive optics, astronomy, calcium signaling, fluorescence imaging, spectroscopy, genome sequencing, live cell imaging, and X-ray tomography.
Frontline™ Drain Inlet Filters
The patented Frontline™ drain inlet filters are your first line of defense against industrial pollutants in stormwater runoff. Available as a catch basin insert (CBI) or a trench drain insert (TDI), Frontline provides the best combination of performance and flow of any drain inlet insert on the market. Frontline is top-rated for removal of debris; heavy metals such as zinc, copper & lead; TSS, oil & grease.
Dual 10K Kleen Water Filter, Media Filter
This system is designed for continuous aqueous phase treatment of groundwater or wastewater, and has the ability to remove contaminants to nondetectable levels.
High Capacity BABA Compliant Filter Housing
Harmsco has developed a higher capacity filter housing that is BABA compliant, and it is available in a 3X, as well as a 5X model.
Cell Freeze® Cryogenic Storage Containers
Charter Medical’s Cell Freeze® cryogenic storage containers are designed for storage, preservation, and transfer of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs).
Autologous And Allogeneic Cell Therapy Manufacturing Services
Our comprehensive package of both autologous and allogeneic cell therapy manufacturing services includes GMP production of cells from pre-clinical to commercial applications from a variety of starting materials. As an experienced cell therapy CDMO, we’re able to swiftly scale-up and support production from clinical to commercial manufacturing. Need help with the development of your cell therapy?
TumbleOx™ Nitrification Reactor
The Parkson TumbleOx™ Bioreactor consists of a treatment tank(s) containing a series of slowly rotating drums. Each drum is partially filled with loose media which freely tumbles inside the five-foot diameter drum as it rotates. A thin biofilm grows on the media and provides biological treatment. The unique media design maximizes surface area for biological growth and also aerates the wastewater as the drum turns, providing dissolved oxygen for the micro-organisms. The system components include the rotating drum, plastic media, and the bearings and simple drive mechanism to slowly rotate the drum. No supplemental aeration system is required.
SCREENMASTER® RT - Internally Fed, Fine Drum Screen System
The SCREENMASTER® RT internally fed rotary drum screen employs a rotating drum and rugged construction to provide effective fine screening. This unit is employed in a wide variety of applications including wastewater, pulp and paper processing, tanning and slaughterhouse waste, produce washing, food processing and more. It is also used in the separation of debris from any variety of plant and equipment cleaning processes.
Micro Materials
MTD Micro Molding works with our customers to help them select the right medical grade plastics for their applications.