
Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy Lining


Protecto 401–lined ductile iron pipe and fittings provide the maximum protection and the strength necessary to do the job in tough sewer pipe applications.

Protecto 401–lined ductile iron pipe and fittings provide the maximum protection and the strength necessary to do the job in tough sewer pipe applications. Protecto 401 has been successfully used in thousands of sanitary sewer applications and has been proven with both laboratory testing and years of actual sewer service on all sizes of ductile iron pipe and fittings.

The development of Protecto 401 was begun in 1979 by Induron Protective Coatings. The first Protecto 401–lined ductile iron sewer pipe was lined and placed in service in 1981. Since then, thousands of miles of ductile iron sewer pipe have been lined with Protecto 401 with no reported lining failure.

Because Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy Lining was designed and is used as protection for ductile iron sanitary sewer pipe, it provides the reliability of cement mortar lining with the excellent corrosion protection of novalac epoxy. This concentration of effort has resulted in performance unparalleled by other linings.

AMERICAN - American Cast Iron Pipe Company