This free water unit converter tool was developed to save water engineers time. It allows you to quickly convert primary units for flux, length, concentration, flow, temperature, mass, mass flux, and mass ratio from imperial to metric or metric to imperial.

This tool serves as a quick and easy-to-use reference for a wide range of water and wastewater related conversions specific to your treatment project needs and water engineering calculations.

Calculating the mass units within a wastewater treatment plant is critical. Mass units that are mainly used and included with this tool are kilograms (kg), pounds (lbs), UK tons (UKton), US tons (USton), tons (t), grams (g), milligrams (mg), and ounces (oz).

Engineers in the water and wastewater industry will benefit from this translation tool due to the large number of formulae required to correctly translate equations between imperial and metric systems. It can be difficult to ensure that data such as influent flows, membrane fluxes, hydraulic loading rates of specific civil structures (primary and secondary clarifiers), and process equipment (screens, retention sieves for MBBR, membrane for MBR, etc.) are exactly what they should be.

Additional Tools from Transcend
Alongside this water unit convertor, Transcend tools can also assist you in configuring designs to accelerate the amount of time spent on drafting proposals.