LG Sonic
Exploring More Natural Solutions To The Algae Bloom Threat
Harmful algae blooms continue to emerge as a greater threat to water resources, but the traditional use of chemicals in treatment can present its own problems. Chemicals break the cells of the algae, releasing their toxins into the water table. An alternative technology, ultrasound, applies pressure to cut the cell off from its sunlight energy source and kill it more naturally. In this Water Talk interview, Greg Eiffert, director of LG Sonic U.S.  Continue Reading..
OSI Soft
How To Turn Data Into A Difference-Maker
With the proliferation of sensors, data collection, and cloud storage, there is the potential for operational insight heretofore never available, and the opportunity will only expand as the technology evolves and the Internet of Things becomes, well, more of a thing. But data is only truly useful if it informs decision-making that results in positive impact — for an organization's bottom line, its personnel, its customers, or even the...  Continue Reading..
Capacitive Deionization Takes Off
Capacitive deionization (CDI), sometimes called electrochemical demineralization, is referred to as Radial Deionization (RDI) by Atlantis Technologies, which has developed a proprietary form of the process. If you haven't heard of it by any name, or would like to know more about its considerable treatment capabilities, tune into this interview with Patrick Curran,  Continue Reading..
Filtration For A New Era
Filtration has been around for a long, long time, so it may be that most treatment plant operators feel pretty informed about its capabilities. But hearing from Brian Frewerd, Director of Application Engineering with Parkson Corporation and Water Talk guest, will likely prove enlightening. Frewerd provides background on sand filtration for tertiary treatment applications, followed by insight on notable technology improvements and performance...  Continue Reading..
New Trends In Outsourcing Water And Wastewater Services
The business of water and wastewater is critical, but expertise in this area is finite — thus the trend towards outsourcing water operations, particularly in the industrial market. Whether it's securing and optimizing water use, running treatment equipment, sustainably releasing or reusing the water, capturing energy from it, or all of the above, it's often a wise business move to turn to experts. In this Water Talk interview,...  Continue Reading..
Turning Pumps Into Smart Drives
Nicole George, Product Manager - Pumping Variable Frequency Drives with Eaton, starts this Water Talk discussion with a description of the Internet of Things (IoT) before going deep on capabilities, particularly with pumping systems and variable frequency drives (VFDs). Learn how IoT-enabled pumps can help manage operation more efficiently and save on labor costs with cloud-connected, VFD-powered data analytics and health monitoring.  Continue Reading..
The Electrical Side Of Water
The cost of operations is a rising concern for many water utilities, in addition to the chief concern of treating to regulations and protecting the environment. What may be overlooked, however, is the importance of power management to help achieve these objectives. In this Water Talk interview, Eaton Corporation's Joel Benzing explains how intelligent electrical infrastructure can help enhance plant productivity and efficiency by aiding,...  Continue Reading..
54 181003 1350 Bryce Figdore, HDR Inc
Less And More: Biological Nutrient Removal With Granular Sludge
Many wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are facing stricter limits on nutrient discharges, yet each plant and situation is different and solutions are not one-size-fits-all. Bryce Figdore, Wastewater Process Engineer with HDR and Water Talk podcast guest, talks about another tool at utilities' disposal — nitrification bioaugmentation using granular sludge.  Continue Reading..
10 181001 1250 Lisa Skutecki, Brown and Caldwell
Laying The Blueprint For 'One Water' Management
Partnering with the Water Research Foundation, Brown and Caldwell has developed the Blueprint for One Water — a user-friendly document for the practical application of 'One Water' planning. According to Lisa Skutecki, Brown and Caldwell's Southern California Water Resources Group Manager, 'One Water' is the concept of breaking down barriers across the water sector.  Continue Reading..
Bluefield Research, Reese Tisdale
Stemming The Tide Of Rising Utility Costs
Of the issues facing utilities, financing — or lack thereof — ranks at or near the top of most lists. During this Water Talk, Reese Tisdale, President of Bluefield Research, discusses the rise in operating expenses (OPEX) over the past 10 years, explains the reasons and repercussions, and forecasts where costs will go from here.  Continue Reading..