Laura Martin Articles
First Nationwide Operator Certification Standards Released
The Association of Boards of Certification recently released Model Standards of Operator Certification—the first nationwide, uniform standards for certification programs for those who manage water and wastewater systems.
Membrane Conference Offers Networking, New Technology
AMTA, along with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) have teamed up to offer an alternative, presenting their third “Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition,” held March 10-14 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Surprising Answer To Nutrient Removal
Algae has caused a lot of trouble in the water industry in recent years. But new research may just redeem the water industry foe.
Electrocoagulation: A Shocking Approach To Wastewater Treatment
A growing number of wastewater treatment professionals are turning to electrocoagulation — a water treatment process that uses electric current to remove various contaminants from water.
EPA Stormwater Ruling: How Will It Impact Utilities?
A little-known provision within the Clean Water Act (CWA) could soon have a very big impact on how stormwater is regulated.
Treating Organic Micropollutants: Which Method Is Best?
A comparison of several OMP removal processes: adsorption, ozonation and advanced oxidation processes, membrane-based processes reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration, and natural processes river bank filtration and constructed wetland systems.
Desalination And Power Plants—An Ideal Partnership?
A partnership between power and desalination plants may be the solution to drinking water scarcity. Researchers are working on a new system that can create potable water using a low-temperature desalination process powered by waste heat from a waterless power plant cooling system.
EPA's Top 10 Technology Needs For Water
This blueprint highlights the EPA Office of Water's plans and goals to address growing issues in the water sector.
Level Measurement Showdown: Ultrasonic Vs. Radar
In the level measurement world, there is a rivalry between the two most commonly used measurement instruments: ultrasonic, which uses sound-based measurement, and radar, which uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to determine distance.
Janus Nanotubes Key To Low Pressure Membranes, Molecular Level Filtration
Janus nanotubes can be used to make membranes with pores below one nanometer that only require the application of low pressure. Such small pores offer filtration down to the molecular level.