The Next Wave In The Water Industry
Despite a combination of need, opportunities, and competitive salaries, wastewater agencies and consulting firms face shortages of qualified workers. Learn more about making the case for Gen Z by utilizing technology.
Superpowers For Water Systems
Discover how your digital twin can give your team members who operate your water distribution systems powers they don’t have today.
What's The Value Of Non-Revenue Water?
Not all water loss, more correctly nonrevenue water, has the same cost to the water utility, and not all reduction is worth the same. First, it’s important to distinguish between the two main categories of water loss, apparent loss and real loss.
How Many Isolation Valves Are Enough?
Without isolation valves, repairing a pipe break or performing other maintenance would require shutting down the entire water distribution system. But how many isolation valves are actually needed?
Using Real Vs. Artificial Intelligence To Design And Operate Hydraulic Systems
Understanding the basic principles behind different models, users can make the right choices in selecting their tools.
A Tale Of One City, With Two Extremes
Discover how digital solutions are helping manage extremes in water availability for the city of Joinville, Brazil.
It's About Dam Time: Going Digital Necessary To Support Vital Resource - Water
Learn how dams play a vital role in supporting the increasing demand for all uses of water.
12 Projects That Highlight Groundwater Management Best Practices
Explore examples showcasing infrastructure projects around the world that are helping to manage groundwater.
Engineering For Water And Wastewater Infrastructure Resilience
How water utilities get by when bad things happen is a reflection of their system's resilience.
U.S. Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act: Prioritizing Capital Water Improvement Projects
According to the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card, only 21% of all U.S. utilities report being able to fully cover the cost of providing drinking water services.