Article | February 17, 2023

A Tale Of One City, With Two Extremes


Joinville is a colorful city of some 600,000 people of Portuguese, German, Swiss, Norwegian, and Italian descent in one of Brazil’s southernmost states, Santa Catarina. It is known as a major industrial and commercial center, and with high urban development and relatively good infrastructure, Joinville has one of the highest standards of living in Latin America.

At first glance, water seems to be everywhere in Joinville. With the Atlantic Ocean forming the eastern border for the State, and with high mountains to the west, major rainfall events are common. River systems cut paths through dense vegetation, with the Piraí River dominating the landscape and providing an essential artery to pulse life into the city and its residents. The landscape is beautiful, rugged, and it is clear to see that water and Joinville are inextricably linked. With access to water ‘the best of times’ is well within reach.

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