AMERICAN Case Studies
AMERICAN Flow Control Answers The Call
In late March 2016, an estimated 60-foot wide by 35-foot deep sinkhole developed in Tarpon Springs, Florida, leading to the evacuation of several homes. The sinkhole engulfed part of a nearby road and damaged two sewer lines and a water line.
Zinc-Coated Water Pipe Now Available In U.S.; San Jose Water Company Among First To Install
A contractor for San Jose Water Company in San Jose, California, has taken delivery of more than 3,000 feet of zinc-coated iron pipe from AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe, making it among the nation’s first utilities to install zinc-coated pipe.
AMERICAN Ingenuity Delivers Massive Pipe, Fittings To Replenish Shrinking Water Supplies In Arkansas
The Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer — a primary water source for small towns, rural water systems and farm irrigation in eastern Arkansas — is running dry. According to the Army Corps of Engineers’ website, a project study in the mid-1980s pointed out, and further studies have since shown, the region’s groundwater resources are rapidly shrinking.
Loudoun Water's Innovative Potomac Water Supply Program
Loudoun Water, a water utility serving customers in Loudoun County, Virginia, recently undertook an innovative, green approach to supplying water in the face of game-changing growth and development.
The Product Of Choice For Birmingham Water Works' 4000 Miles Of Pipe
The Birmingham Water Works Board is the largest water utility in the state of Alabama, providing water to approximately 600,000 people across the Greater Birmingham area. Its service area is about 759 square miles and contains about 4,000 miles of pipe.
Fort Benning Brings In The Big Guns: AMERICAN Zinc And American-Darling
Columbus Water Works (CWW) provides drinking water and wastewater services to more than 250,000 residents in the Columbus, GA, area. In 2004, Fort Benning and Columbus Water Works signed an agreement that said CWW would provide water and wastewater services for the military base for 50 years, requiring a connection of the two systems and several large upgrades.
Outfitting The World's Largest And Greenest Wastewater Treatment Plant
The sprawling Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Facility is the largest advanced wastewater treatment plant in the world, with a capacity to treat an average of 370 million gallons of sewage a day.
The Case for Trans-Basin Water Pipelines
Those in the water industry know water is essential for life and brings economic value, but the economic role of water is often not as well understood by the general public. This paper reviews the history and development of our transportation, electrical, and energy infrastructure and then presents a plan for our nation’s water to be augmented from where we have it abundantly to where we badly need it.
AMERICAN's Versatility Shines In Rocky Terrain
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is the fastest growing city in Tennessee, and one of the fastest growing cities in the United States with its population more than doubling since 2000. To manage this growth, the city’s Water and Sewer Board recently embarked on an $8.2 million project to construct the Southwest Regional Force Main.
An Interstate Water System For Economic Vitality
World Water Day was March 22. National Groundwater Week was just completed. These two events are especially timely as generationally significant droughts are in the news. Texas and California, two of our most populous and economically vibrant states, are experiencing drought not seen in the careers of today’s water and municipal professionals.