Newsletter | March 14, 2024

03.14.24 -- Rise Above The Data Deluge

Data, Amplified – Breaking Down Silos For Data-Driven Decision Making

As technology becomes an intrinsic part of critical infrastructure, the volume of data being generated is soaring. For the water sector, the challenge is acute. Utilities are faced with how to effectively manage significant volumes of data as well as the competing challenges of managing aging infrastructure and the impacts of climate change. As these challenges intensify, finding a way to harness data to cut through the noise is critical.

Working Smarter: Empowering Water Operators With Integrated Data

As water utilities face the challenges of sustainability, efficiency, and service quality, digital technology has become a necessity. The right tech can help deliver reliable service, optimize systems, and meet sustainability goals, but integrating the data streams these solutions generate can offer even greater gains, allowing utilities to move faster and achieve more powerful outcomes.

Integrating Data For Smarter Decision Making In Municipal Wastewater Systems

Municipal wastewater system operators deal with a huge amount of information. A vast number of variables can impact system operations and there are an increasing number of sensors and software designed to track these variables. Unfortunately, much of the data needed to truly understand and control the water system is stored in separate silos — isolated software and servers that cannot communicate with each other.

Rise Above The Data Deluge – Boost Utility Transformation With Data Integration

Digital technology is helping utilities revolutionize their operations, delivering efficiencies, lower costs, and better customer service. But as the array of digital solutions grows, so too does the range of data sources. Integrating and managing this data is key to maximizing digital solutions. This paper explores how water operators can tackle the challenges of data overload and get a 360-degree view of their operations. It also shares stories of innovative utilities transforming their operations through data integration and offers a step-by-step guide for operators interested in harnessing the potential of integrated data.