White Paper

Reducing H2S And FOG At The Discharge Of A Force Main

By Frank Haltom, PE


Beginning early in 2019 our office began receiving complaints of sewer odor in the neighborhood of Fountain Ridge Section III (FR III), located in Prince George County VA. The County Operations staff investigated the wastewater collection system that serves the neighborhood, and found that odor was proliferating throughout the neighborhood. Corrosion of the sewer manholes was clearly evident.

There are 526 total homes from four neighborhoods that gravity flow to three terminal pump stations and one lift station. The three terminal stations discharge to a common interceptor force main. This interceptor is four miles of 10” and 12” PVC pipe that discharges to the gravity system at FR III. Additional direct connections to the interceptor include 2 commercial/retail parcels: a gas service station with a car wash, and a restaurant.

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