News | July 16, 2018

New Directives To Reduce Phosphorus Discharge Lead To Newest Technology In Phosphorous Measurement

Source: Hach

The Problem With Phosphorous
Wastewater treatment professionals know the value – and challenges - of phosphorous removal. Excess phosphorus in surface water can lead to eutrophication, prompting excessive growth of plants and algae in ponds, rivers, streams, lakes, and other bodies of water. This can lead to oxygen depletion of the water (hypoxia), causing harm to fish and other aquatic species. Wastewater plants and industrial wastewater facilities are legally obliged to keep phosphorus discharges below a specific level to reduce the tendency toward eutrophication.

Lower Discharge Consents
Due to such environmental concerns, European directives have led to ever tightening consents on phosphorus removal. The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive in 1991 (91/271/EEC) set a limit of 2mg/l for larger plants or those discharging into sensitive waters.

More recently, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of 2000, with its focus on continuous improvement and achieving ‘good’ status for all watercourses, has led to 0.5-1.0 mg/l limits being typically imposed by the Environment Agency in AMP6. And in order to achieve the ultimate aim of ‘good’ WFD status across the board, it is thought that limits as low as 0.1 mg/l will be necessary. This level remains a focus for innovation, as most experts agree this is not economically realistic given current technology. And of course, new technology is needed for reliable measurement of phosphates with a high degree of accuracy at such low levels.

Proven Solutions From Hach
For many years, Hach has offered a suite of products used to measure across a wide spectrum of phosphate concentrations. The Phosphax sigma and Phosphax sc are two of Hach’s tried-and-true devices; the Phosphax sigma product line includes the Ortho P and Total P version (range: 0,01-5 mg/L range) and Total phosphate version (range: 0,01-5 mg/L). The Phosphax sc product line includes the Phosphax sc MR (range: 0,05-15 mg/L), and Phosphax sc HR (range:1-50 mg/L).

Innovating For The Future
Now, Hach is proud to announce the launch of the Phosphax sc LR (“Low Range”), designed to meet the upcoming lower level regulations. The Phosphax sc LR measures as low as 0,015-2 mg/L using the proprietary molybdat-vandat (“yellow”) method, well-suited for use within the process (sludge tanks) due to its robustness, lower running costs, less maintenance, capability for outside use, and zero requirement to cool reagents.With this newest innovative solution to phosphate measurement, Hach now offers both the molybdat-vanadat (yellow) method used in the Phosphax sc line, and molybdät-blue (blue) methods used in the Phosphax sigma line, allowing customers to profit from the advantages of the yellow method combined with the accuracy of blue.

About Hach
For over 70 years, Hach has been a leader in the field of water analytics, and has a reputation for creating innovative solutions for water professionals around the globe.

Source: Hach