Article | November 30, 2022

How To Make Stormwater Compliance Accessible

Source: Newterra Corporation
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For most businesses, managing stormwater falls well outside the area of expertise. Keeping up with changing rules and regulations can be overwhelming, not to mention the challenge of taking samples, testing for contaminants, and determining whether one is in or out of compliance.

In 2021, the U.S. EPA updated requirements for the multi-sector general permit (MSGP), including more streamlined online reporting. The result is an increased risk of public scrutiny and potential consequences of non-compliance.

Thankfully, it is possible for businesses to manage stormwater without becoming water treatment experts. As such, businesses need to adopt best management practices (BMPs) that can reduce stormwater pollution. This article will break down the process of managing stormwater to help businesses understand some of the more common BMPs, what EPA rules matter most, and where to turn when things seem like they are getting out of hand.

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