
Direct-Reading Water Analyzers

The Mini Analysts series of direct reading dedicated test water analyzers can be used for water/wastewater testing applications

The Mini Analysts series of direct reading dedicated test water analyzers can be used for water/wastewater testing applications. There are 34 models available, including Chlorine, Copper, Lead, Silica, Molydbenum, Iron, Fluoride, Phospate, Dissolved Oxygen, and Chloride. All models feature one touch operation, automatic zero and standardization, factory calibration and an LED narrow-band light source for high sensitivity. They are "CE" certified, battery powered, and come with a carrying case.

This system can be used to test drinking water, wastewater, boiler and cooling water, water conditioning, surface finishing, pool and spa, aquaculture, acid mine drainage, power generation, chemical and petroleum processing.