Kamstrup Brochures
flowIQ 4200 Datasheet
Electronic ultrasonic cold water meter for measurement of cold water consumption in multi-unit buildings, commercial applications and industry.
flowIQ 2200 Datasheet
Electronic ultrasonic cold water meter for measurement of cold water consumption in households, multi-unit buildings and industry.
flowIQ 2200 And 3200 Reclaimed Water Datasheet
Electronic ultrasonic Reclaimed water meter for measurement of Reclaimed water consumption in households, multi-unit buildings and industry.
flowIQ 3200 Datasheet
flowIQ® 3200 measures the water and environment temperatures and it includes leak detection, securing that water loss is discovered quickly.
Smart Water Meters And Remote Reading Systems
Major global trends are having a profound effect on the water industry from aging workforce and infrastructure, securing the future of our drinking water resources and digitalization. How do you deal with these challenges? With smart metering solutions from Kamstrup, you can start addressing these issues today and gain the confidence to overcome the challenges of tomorrow.
Your Network Is Talking. Are You Listening?
Non-Revenue Water is many things and smart metering helps you identify and deal with different kinds of water loss.
Acoustic Leak Detection
Leak detection is often a time-consuming inefficient and expensive task as service connections are often on private property. With limited knowledge about what goes on in your distribution network and the state of your service connections, locating leaks can be like finding a needle in a haystack.
What If Your Meters Could Hear The Leaks You Cannot See?
Smart metering with integrated acoustic leak detection – a proactive approach to fighting water loss. Non-Revenue Water remains one of the industry's main challenges. Water utilities experience up to 22% in leaks on service lines and up to 29% in leaks on service mains. With limited knowledge about the state of the service connections, locating these leaks can be like finding a needle in a haystack.
Up & Running Leak Detector
With Up & Running Leak Detector, you get off to a better – and faster – start using the Leak Detector module. We set everything up, get you familiar with the tool – and if you have questions, we have the answers.
Pipeline Integration Service Water Intelligence
Pipeline Integration Service for Water Intelligence provides an improved overview of your assets, ability to pinpoint incidents and understand how your pipeline design could be improved. With this service, your network pipeline will be integrated in your Water Intelligence module.