6-Hour Virtual Seminar on Leaders Make Your Employees Your Competitive Advantage

March 18, 2021 - CA US



Employees have the power to be your competitive advantage in the marketplace. The Discretionary Effort Leadership Model is a comprehensive culture change model that shows you how to make employees your competitive advantage. It provides professional development for every manager and improves the sensitive conversations or touch points between a manger and an employee.Discretionary Effort is the difference between the level of effort, creativity, and problem solving one is capable of bringing to a task, versus the minimum effort required to just get by or make do, and still receive a paycheck. Employees who do just enough work to get a paycheck and not get fired will never become your competitive advantage with customers and clients. Each day, when an employee walks in the office door (or logs in remotely) and starts work, that employee makes a choice whether or not to give discretionary effort. It takes a special kind of leader to earn the gift of discretionary effort. Leadership Components of a Competitive AdvantageIntegrity In the course of our research, we found that integrity routinely formed the basis of company values, which makes sense. Without integrity, there is no trust. With a combination of trust and integrity, the Discretionary Effort Leadership Model works in any organization.When you become aware of the importance of a foundation of integrity to the productivity and morale of your company, you see your deficiencies in integrity that were invisible to you before. Employees want to work in organizations that are known for integrity. They want to be trusted and know they can trust their managers and leaders. Organizations known for integrity are human-led value organizations that place high worth on the individual and encourage truthfulness.Safety and SecurityProviding employees with a work environment where they feel safe from external and internal threats is the first level in the Discretionary Effort Leadership Model. Safety and security are essential to the other leadership levels.Safety is the way organizations define, implement, and prevent internal threats such as accidents, the spread of communicable diseases, slips and falls, back injuries, etc. in the workplace. It comes from the Latin word salvus which means healthy.Security refers to the way organizations detect, prevent, and respond to external threats such as theft, sabotage, and terrorism. It comes from the Latin word secure which means free of concern. Accordingly, a workplace that is security- and safety-conscious is designed to create a healthy environment free of concern.In this session we address how to extend psychological safety to employees, permitting them to have a voice in the conversation and to surface the truth as they see it.When employees feel safe in these three ways, they are free to give discretionary effort and concentrate their energies on innovating, cost cutting, customer service, solving problems, and improving processes-not protecting themselves from bodily harm or injury. Thus, the return on investment for safety and well-being initiatives is increased profitability.

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