6-Hour Virtual Seminar on Auditing Analytical Laboratories for FDA Compliance

October 6, 2020 - CA US



There are two phases to this topic. The first is auditing itself. Good audits are well structured. They must consider the reasons for the audit, the regulatory requirements, as well as the nature of the laboratory being audited. We will discuss the considerations that must be made when auditing a laboratory. The social interactions that must be expected, the nature of the regulatory requirements and the nature of work that the laboratory performs will be discussed. The second phase considers what must be considered during the audit itself. Audits conducted by inexperienced or ignorant auditors are often worthless, wasting the time and money of both the auditors and the laboratory being audited. Auditors who are familiar with laboratory operations are needed as it is easy to be fooled into thinking that a non-compliant laboratory is operating normally. Different types of laboratories will require different auditor/specialists. We will discuss the pitfalls that auditors can fall into, and what questions laboratories may expect to encounter.

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