Using processes that are both future-oriented and ecologically friendly, the products from WEDECO -- A Xylem Brand are committed to improving the foundations on which we live, on a global scale. The broad outline of our business is to realize the best possible solution for mankind and the environment, and the most economic solution for our clients.

Ecological policies and economic success

Life cannot be sustained without water. Water is our most valuable resource. Mankind needs increasing amounts of clean and healthy water worldwide.

  • Only 1% of the earth’s water is fit for human use
  • Over 250 billion gallons of water are used each day
  • Water consumption doubles every 15 years
  • One sixth of the world’s population suffers from a chronic shortage of water
  • 11 million people become ill every day due to contaminated water
  • 25 million people die each year from water-based illnesses


180 billion US$ are needed to give all the people of the world access to clean and healthy water by 2025. WEDECO products are meeting the challenge of the 21st century. With UV disinfection and Ozone oxidation, we have the advanced technologies for chemical-free and environmentally friendly treatment of drinking water, wastewater and process water.


Our high-tech water treatment systems ensure that:

  • water can be recycled
  • water for human use does not cause illness
  • water treatment does not impose a burden on the environment


High Tech for healthy water and a better environment

WEDECO products have been installed in over 250,000 systems worldwide and have over 30 years of experience in technical expertise in the field of ultraviolet and ozone technology. Committed, highly qualified experts in the research & development, production, sales, commercial and technical operations and customer service departments all contribute to the company's success.

Interdisciplinary research groups made up of electrical engineers, process engineers, microbiologists, doctors and physicists, both internal and external, work to continuously develop and optimize WEDECO UV and Ozone systems.

Apart from our work within the company, we also team up with international institutes to work on current research projects. We concentrate on sewage recycling, focusing especially on eliminating pathogens such as cryptosporidium and amoeba. In the USA, we are working on a project that involves introducing purified and sterilized sewage directly into the ground water and in so doing, we aim to raise the ground water from its current low level.


WEDECO — A Xylem Brand

4828 Parkway Plaza Blvd. Suite 200

Charlotte, NC 28217


Phone: 704-716-7600

Fax: 704-716-7601