Together, ChartWater™ delivers solutions for gas and liquid molecule handling at the nexus of energy, water, and climate challenges, making water treatment, and industrial processes more efficient, more effective, safer, and more environmentally sound.


  • This article will explain the matrix of factors that can affect PFAS removal and why it is important to work with an experienced partner.

  • September 2020, water joined precious metals, oil and other commodity futures traded on Wall Street amid fears of scarcity. In October, Chart Industries, Inc., a global manufacturer of engineered equipment for the industrial gas and energy industries, announced its acquisition of the water cleantech company BlueInGreen, LLC., which Chart’s CEO and President, Jill Evanko, described as a ‘natural fit’.

  • The process of launching a municipal drinking water treatment operation can take years. In the end, a community is left with a complex system, an operations and maintenance manual, and a well-trained staff. Many communities are extremely well versed in the functions and operation of their treatment for the specific parameters for which it was built. However, as time goes on, plant managers and operators increasingly have a need for outside assistance.

  • The city of Lemoore, CA, recruited a team of water treatment and construction specialists to address water quality and scarcity concerns.

  • Receiving a compliance order from the California Water Board’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW) was not the worst thing that ever happened to the City of Lemoore. It set the wheels in motion for a unique technical solution to historic groundwater problems and a progressive design-build approach to accelerating delivery of high-quality drinking water with only one-fourth the operating expense (OPEX) of other treatment alternatives.


  • When you need treatment solutions and engineering expertise that can be rapidly deployed – when and where you need it – you need Treatment-as-a-Service (TaaS).

  • Greg Gilles from AdEdge discusses trends in treatment and ways of tackling water scarcity in this episode of Water Talk.



2055 Boggs Road

Duluth, GA 30096


Contact: Tyler Butel


  • In this video Chart Industries' business leaders Tyler Elm and Greg Gilles provide an informative discussion on the different treatment options and technologies ChartWater offers to provide clean water for many different industries.

  • The Central Valley of California has many potable groundwater systems operating on subsurface wells that have primary and secondary regulatory drinking water issues. Given the very challenging water quality as recognized the Division of Drinking Water, the City of Lemoore, CA water supply (consisting of multiple well clusters) is exceeding the compliance targets for disinfection byproducts (DBPs), mainly total trihalomethanes (TTHMs).

  • A southwestern (AZ) community faced a tough challenge to quickly identify an alternative water source and install a new and cost-effective treatment solution in a period of 6 months to provide potable water for the community during the temporary shutdown of the existing surface water treatment plants. This webinar will describe in detail the rationale and design criteria used to build the ultra-high recovery flow-reversal RO system used in this application.