News | May 22, 2024

WateReuse Comments On Senate Budget Committee Hearing On Climate Change And Water Scarcity

The Senate Budget Committee held a hearing today entitled Droughts, Dollars, and Decisions: Water Scarcity in a Changing Climate. During the hearing, senators and witnesses highlighted the importance of water recycling in helping communities build resilient water supplies. Alongside the hearing, the WateReuse Association released the following statement:

“We appreciate the Senate Budget Committee highlighting the important issue of water scarcity and climate change, and the role that water recycling can play in helping communities build safe, sustainable water supplies. Adel Hagekhalil, General Manager of WateReuse Association member, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, testified at the hearing, speaking to the role of water recycling in protecting and enhancing water supplies in southern California. Multiple senators pointed to water recycling as a water resource management solution, including Senator Chris Van Hollen, who talked about communities in Maryland that are turning to water reuse to protect and enhance water supplies and limit discharges to the Chesapeake Bay. The WateReuse Association has been working to secure increased federal investments in key water recycling programs, including the Pilot Program for Alternative Water Source Grants, to give communities the tools and resources they need to advance water recycling solutions. We will continue this work over the coming weeks and months in an effort to secure additional investments in FY 2025 appropriations legislation.”

Source: WateReuse Association