White Paper

The Principles Of Aeration And Mixing Utilizing Process Aerator Technology

Source: Aeration Industries International

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White Paper: The Principles Of Aeration And Mixing Utilizing Process Aerator Technology

By Cheri D. Cohen, Aeration Industries International, Inc.

Aeration and mixing are necessary elements for aerobic biological wastewater treatment processes to maintain a healthy, stabilized biological population and thus, insure optimal treatment of the wastewater assuming there is adequate contact time and substrate available. In the design of wastewater treatment plants, aeration typically involves supply of both oxygen and mixing. Aeration is a large consumer of both energy and operational costs. The Aire-O2 Triton® aerator/mixer is a process aeration technology that addresses both of these aspects and is environmentally friendly, which is a winning formula to help achieve long term sustainability.

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White Paper: The Principles Of Aeration And Mixing Utilizing Process Aerator Technology