
The End Of The Flow Meter?


A system of sensors, flow meters, and telemetry has been the typical setup for many wastewater treatment plants. Kraig Moodie, president of FloWav, and Kelly Abercrombie, Director of Sales and Marketing, FloWav, tell us in an interview with Water Online radio, that they take out the flow meter out of the equation and capitalize on Smart Sensor technology.

A flow meter is no longer needed to process signals, process spectrums—it’s all done in the sensor just like everything else, and the size of the technology has been reduced from the size of a small cooler to a size of a pack of playing cards.

No longer needing a flow meter generally results in savings for the company, because less equipment needs to be purchased, and productivity is increased by enhanced technology providing better results, more quickly.

Moodie and Abercrombie shared an example with Water Online about a client in Louisville, KY, who was having issues with their combined sewer outflows (CSO), where they needed to monitor each one of their outflow pipes and were having to deploy field crews out there on a weekly basis. With the assistance of FlowWav, they are now able to avoid about 30% to 40% of those field visits.

Click on the radio player below to hear more details.