Guest Column | August 15, 2023

Streamlining Water Treatment With Automation

By Lindsey Walker

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In today's fast-evolving world, industries find themselves amidst a technological whirlwind that's reshaping the landscape. This wave of change has raised the bar for both top-notch products and services, demanding exceptional quality delivered with maximum efficiency. This is where automation steps in, emerging as a transformative solution for industries aiming to supercharge productivity.

From factories to facilities, automation is becoming the magic wand that unlocks efficiency. And yes, even in the realm of wastewater treatment, this holds true. In fact, automation, coupled with effective plant maintenance management, is now scripting a new narrative for wastewater treatment — one that's cost-effective and eco-friendly.

What Is A Wastewater Treatment Plant?

Ever wondered how those polluted waters get turned into safe liquids for nature or agriculture? Well, that's the magic of wastewater treatment plants. These facilities take water laced with harmful stuff and work their magic to clean it up, making it safe to go back into the environment. In the past, tossing wastewater back into nature was cool, but after the industrial revolution, the stuff we're putting into water has become way nastier. So now, we have to clean it up before setting it free.

This process can involve multiple steps, depending on the kind of mess we're dealing with. It's like a choreography of treatments, from simple settling methods to adding chemicals like chlorine. They might even use ultraviolet light to zap away the bad stuff.

Why Automate Wastewater Treatment Systems?

Let's talk about money, or more specifically, energy costs. Wastewater plants can be real energy guzzlers. But here's the deal: automation can give them an energy makeover. It's not just about managing solid waste more effectively. Automation has a superpower — it saves energy. Check out some of the cool things automation brings to the wastewater party:

1. Less Energy Consumption

Imagine saving big on energy costs for managing wastewater treatment. Take the aeration basin blowers, for instance. These guys can gulp down up to 60% of a plant's energy budget. But with automation, we're talking smart air delivery, exactly when and where it's needed, slashing costs.

2. Fine-Tuning the Process

Wastewater plants are like big machines. When they don't run smoothly, it's like flushing money down the drain. But with automation, you're basically giving the plant a personal trainer. It's all about refining processes based on data — what's working like a charm, and what's not so great.

3. Constant Access to Data

Data is like the secret sauce of wastewater treatment. Automation throws open the doors to data heaven. With real-time monitoring, you've got your finger on the pulse of the process. You can spot trends, predict highs and lows, and even notice patterns that can help you use your resources smarter.

4. Reduced Usage of Chemical Additives

Automation isn't just about numbers; it's about saving the environment too. With precise data, you can cut down on the chemicals you're adding. Whether it's adjusting pH levels or deciding how much slush to keep, automation is your fairy godmother of resource efficiency.

5. Make the Best Use of Labor

Automation isn't about replacing people; it's about giving them a helping hand. Instead of wasting time on repetitive tasks, your workforce can focus on the big stuff. Automation lets them manage smartly, making the most of their skills and time.

Benefits Of Automating Wastewater Treatment System

1. Better Data, Better Insights

Automation means data, and data means insights. Wastewater treatment is all about making data-driven decisions. With automation, you've got sensors and tools constantly feeding you information. This means smarter analysis, better problem-solving, and more informed decisions.

2. Expanding the Treatment Capacity

With automation's real-time data, you can up your plant's game. More data means you can optimize processes like never before. That translates to treating more water, better, without stretching your resources thin.

3. Modernizing Old Systems

Got some vintage equipment lying around? Automation loves it! Old and new tech can shake hands with automation. It can integrate with your existing systems, giving you a modern edge without scrapping everything.

4. Reduced Plant Energy and Chemical Consumption

Automation tackles your energy bill head-on. Those blowers and pumps? They can be smarter with automation, trimming those costs. Plus, less energy means fewer chemicals, saving you money while doing Mother Earth a favor.

5. Maintenance and Predictive Diagnostics

Automation's crystal ball isn't just for show. It can predict when your machines need a little TLC. Sensors monitor their health, sending out warnings about possible breakdowns. This means less downtime, fewer costly repairs, and a well-oiled operation.

How Does Automation Improve The Efficiency Of Water Treatment Processes?

1. Reduced Human Errors

Automation is like having a reliable assistant that never gets tired or makes mistakes. It takes over routine tasks and data collection, reducing the chances of human errors. By doing so, it keeps things running smoothly and ensures that the treatment process stays on track. This not only maintains the integrity of the process but also guarantees consistent and accurate results.

2. Faster Response to Changes

Imagine a system that can instantly react to changes in water quality or process conditions. That's what automation brings to the table. With real-time data monitoring and automated controls, any necessary adjustments can be made in the blink of an eye. This agility ensures that treatment parameters remain optimal, even in the face of unexpected fluctuations. In other words, it's like having a water treatment process that's always on its toes.

3. Data Analysis and Optimization

Automation isn't just about doing the work — it's also about making sense of the data. These systems are data wizards, collecting and analyzing information like never before. Operators can dive into historical data, track trends, and pinpoint areas for improvement. This data-driven approach allows treatment processes to be fine-tuned and optimized for maximum efficiency. And when things run more efficiently, everyone benefits — from cost savings to top-notch performance.

4. Control at Your Fingertips

Ever wished you could manage something from the comfort of your couch? Automation grants that wish when it comes to water treatment. Picture this: operators can monitor and control the entire treatment process from a central hub or even through a nifty mobile app. Whether you're in the control room or miles away, you're still in charge. This remote accessibility means quicker responses, smarter troubleshooting, and better decision-making, no matter where you are.

5. Predictive Maintenance

Automation isn't just about what's happening right now — it's about what might happen in the future. These systems are equipped with futuristic features like predictive maintenance. Using fancy tools like data analytics and machine learning, they keep an eye on equipment performance. If something seems fishy, they'll sound the alarm before things go south. This proactive approach prevents costly breakdowns, minimizes downtime, and ensures that the machinery keeps chugging along smoothly.

6. Enhanced Safety and Compliance

When it comes to water, safety is non-negotiable. Automation plays a big role in keeping things shipshape and compliant with regulations. By maintaining precise control over crucial parameters, it slashes the risk of errors that could mess with water quality or break the rules. This means that the treated water that comes out at the end meets all the required safety and quality standards — no exceptions.

Final Thoughts

Automation has proven to be a game-changer in the field of water treatment. By streamlining processes and reducing human error, it has revolutionized the way we ensure clean and safe water for our communities. From advanced monitoring systems to automated control valves, technology has made it possible to optimize efficiency and increase productivity in water treatment plants. As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to embrace and invest in automation, as it holds the key to a more sustainable future. Let us join hands in supporting research and development efforts to further enhance the role of automation in water treatment, ultimately benefiting both our environment and our society as a whole.

Lindsey Walker is the marketing manager for NEXGEN, a Sacramento-based industry leader in designing advanced computerized maintenance management systems and asset management software tools for utilities, facilities, public works, manufacturing, and fleet industries. In her free time, Lindsey enjoys traveling and reading, which allows her to gain new perspectives and inspiration for her work. She is committed to creating content that connects well with her readers, enhancing their digital experiences.